Do you remember?

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      I looked down at my phone to see a text from Agent. I wonder why is he texting me when we are literally in the same house.

Come upstairs to my room!

     That was it. So random if he wanted to see me so bad he could've just came downstairs. We were currently at the Amp house so I went up the stairs until I seen his double doors. When I walked in I seen him facing his monitors with the camera on.

    He hasn't noticed that I was in his room yet, so I decided to attempt to scare him. I slowly creeped closer hoping that chat didn't rat me out. I took some more steps onto his rug. That's were I messed up.

      While trying to quickly step on his rug I slipped landing right on my butt hard. "Ouchhhhhh!!!!" I squealed and starting rubbing my butt.

    Agent turned around with a confused yet frightened look on his face. "Jus are you okay?!?" He got up to walk towards me. I just laid there for a second being a little dramatic.

   "Yea I'm fine, that shit just hurt!" I got up and he chuckled at how I was walking. He sat on his chair as I stood next to him, reading what chat had to say about my slip.

      After laughing and reading the comments I remembered why I was in his room. "Why did you call me up here??" I looked down at him.

"Ohhh yea I forgot about that! I um called you up here because someone in chat asked us to do a q&a!" He reached for my hand to caress it.

   A q&a really?? That's different, usually I expect cringey 2018 YouTube couples to make those, and I'm also surprised someone from chat asked us to do one.

  "Okay sure, just no weird questions!" I sat on Agents lap, getting tired of standing up. We started to look at the chat as a whole bunch of question started flying across the screen.

How did you guys meet??

What do you guys enjoy doing together the most??

Is it big??

When's your anniversary?

She is so fine!!!!



    "I seen a good question! What do you guys enjoy doing together the most?" I pondered while looking over at Agent. Hmm that's a good question. 

        "Other than activities that I can't name.... We like to sleep and eat a lot." Agent nods his head agreeing.

"Yea she's right, we take a lot of naps, maybe more than we should!" He looked at me.

   "Someone asked how did we meet! Do you want to answer that?" I asked seeing if he still remembers the whole story.

"Uhh sure, we met during thanksgiving! We were throwing a party and Kai invited Justine and we met when I helped you find the restroom." He smiled, feeling triumphant that he got it right.

    I laughed remembering the story. Who would've know that two years later he would be the love of my life. Speaking of love I seen another question that asked "When did you realize you were in love?" I looked over at Agent as he looked at me.

    "Uhh I'm pretty sure we both have different stories, do you wan to go first Agent?"

"No it's okay you go first" he started rubbing my back, encouraging me to start me story.

"We'll it was the day the I spent the night for the first time........

        I had just finished coming from my dance studio. Me and Agent had been dating for 4 months and we had been spending a lot of time together. As I was getting into my car I got a text.

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