The Dream

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I scramble over the broken twigs and gnarled tree roots. I take in gulps of air,my hair whipping my face as I run. Even though I can't see through the thick fog I know something is chasing me. My legs feel like rubber and my lungs burn. All I know is that if I stop running, it will get me. I look back and see a black figure emerge from a thick cloud of fog. I pump my legs faster, running for my life. Deep growls escape from the creature, causing panic to constrict my chest. The thing is on all fours and all I can hear it's snarls and it's claws digging into the damp forest soil. My legs suddenly give out, and I stumble, crashing into the wet ground. I desperately try to get up, to run, but my legs just won't function.I lay on my stomach, inhaling as much air as I can. I hear a ferocious growl up above and feel a blob of something slick and wet drip onto the back of my neck. I turn around.The creature stares at me, with dark beady eyes. Strings of saliva drip off it's glistening fangs. The creature is humanoid, covered in elephant like skin. It's not like any animal I've ever seen or heard of before. The thing is breathing rapidly, making strange clicking sounds. I already know I'm doomed to hell. I close my eyes as it sinks it teeth into my neck, ripping out a tendon. Blood spurts out of my neck and I writhe in agony. It rakes it's razor-sharp claws against my chest and I scream, trying to bat the thing away. It bites one of my thin arms, shattering bones with ease. Tears begin to pour down my cheeks, my arm is now being ripped to shreds. The thing starts to sniff my legs and I cradle my mutilated arm to my chest. Thinking fast I try to get on my feet. I fail miserably and the creature bites my leg. I squirm, trying to get free from the creature's jaws. The beast clamps down even harder on my calf and I feel another bone snap in half. I cry out in pain,and wince as it begins to drag me further into the dark forest. As I begin to think nothing can get any worse, I hear a growl. A loud one. It's not from the creature above me. To my horror, another alien beast is slowly gaining on us. It's even bigger than the first one. Letting out a furious growl, it lunges at the first beast, tearing it off me with ease. It turns around, gazing at me. It licks it's chops, letting out hisses and purrs. With my good hand, I pull myself into a sitting position. I have no more strength. All I  have strength left for is letting out a shriek as the colossal beast lunges at me, killer intent in it's black eyes.

Hey, I'm Larissa, a 13 year old Otaku. This is the first story I've published on this app, so please give me feedback about how to make my story better. I've actually wanted to write this story for a while now, so please let me know what you think and stuff..
*gives brofist* stay awesome my friends.

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