Episode 1

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(The camera shows Gotham City one week after the devastating flood. The streets are still filled with debris and the city is in disarray. Suddenly, a black car pulls up to the entrance of the city's main bank. The driver is none other than Oswald Cobblepot, also known as The Penguin)

(Penguin steps out of the car and surveys the scene. He sees the bank is heavily guarded by police, but his mind is already working on a plan to get inside. He makes his way to the back of the bank and finds a spot where he can climb up to the roof)

(Once on the roof, Penguin takes out a small device and points it at the bank's security cameras. The device hacks into the bank's security system, allowing Penguin to see the inside of the bank on his phone. He sees that the vault is still intact and decides to make that his target)

(Penguin climbs down from the roof and makes his way to the front of the bank. He approaches the police and tells them that he wants to make a donation to help the flood victims. The police are suspicious of Penguin's motives but allow him to enter the bank after a thorough search)

(Once inside, Penguin makes his way to the vault and begins to work on the lock. He is interrupted by the sound of police sirens outside. The police have discovered that Penguin is inside the bank and are moving in to apprehend him)

(Penguin quickly finishes unlocking the vault and grabs as much cash as he can carry. He dashes out of the bank and jumps into his waiting car. The police chase after him, but Penguin is able to evade them and escape)

(In his hideout, Penguin counts his stolen money and smiles to himself. He knows that he has made a bold move and that the people of Gotham City will soon be looking to him for leadership in these difficult times. The episode ends with Penguin looking out over the city, planning his next move)

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