Part 2

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As the alpha holds eye contact, Taehyung feels his breath getting hitched. It was as if the entire world froze, and it was just him and the boy—actually, not the boy but the man—staring at him with an intense gaze. Taehyung doesn't know if he's getting delusional, but he sees a flash of red again in the alpha's eyes. It felt like deja vu. He waited for any look of familiarity, longing, or desperation in those eyes, but he found nothing. It was empty and cold. The alpha holds his gaze for a second before he turns around, spotting his mother and father. Taehyung closed his eyes, trying to prevent unwanted tears from falling. He expected this. For God's sake, it's been 11 years. Of course, Jungkook would have moved on. He might already have met his future mate abroad. The alpha is not a fool like Taehyung to save himself for a short-lived, foolish teenage fling. He tried to not let the feeling get to him, though. It's alright if he can live 11 years without the alpha, then he can surely live more years too. So he takes a deep breath, raising his head high as he gazes back at the alpha, who is now hugging his parents.

"My son has grown up a lot; I can't believe you're already this old," his mother says tenderly, holding the alpha's cheeks in her hand. He was quite tall now, a few centimetres above 6 inches, so he had to lean down a little for his mother to hold him. But the alpha reciprocates with the same tender smile. "I missed you and father so much," he says, eyeing both his parents. The alpha's father seems emotional and proud as he holds the alpha's biceps and gives them a squeeze. "We missed you too, son, but more than anything, we're all proud of you," the old man says, grey covering most of his hair. "Well, now I am back, and I am not going to leave you guys ever," the alpha says before once again bringing them closer. "At least he didn't forget everyone". Taehyung thought bitterly. 

Jungkook separates from the hug and notices Jaehyun, whose face looks a mixture of extreme displeasure and shock, and besides him, Soojin, who was eyeing him up and down, a red coating her cheeks. He moved towards the alpha, who was coming face-to-face with him. Jungkook was now taller than the alpha by some centimetres, and he was well built, which made him look bigger than Jaehyun. He towered over the alpha with a light smirk on his lips. "Oh Hyung, I didn't see you there; did you grow shorter or something?" he says, arrogance dripping down his words. Jaehyun could hear some people trying to control their laughter, and he fisted his hands, trying to maintain a neutral face. "Good to see you back, Kook," he says with a tight-lipped smile. " Oh the feelings are mutual, Hyung; don't worry, now you'll be seeing me every day." He grins and nods at Soojin. "Good to see you too, sister-in-law," he adds, and Soojin shamelessly ogled the alpha's sculpted body, evident through the tight clothes he wore. Taehyung, who noticed the gaze, felt nauseous as he turned around. He saw enough for today, he thinks before walking away, Jimin trailing after him.

Taehyung stomps back into his house and straight into their backyard. Apart from teaching musical instruments, Yoongi generally worked on wood carvings, and he maintained a working station in his backyard, where he spent most of his time. Jimin and Yoongi were also Taehyung's neighbours. Most of the time, they hang out at Yoongi's workshop. Taehyung stormed inside the alpha's workshop, plopping down on Yoongi's hammock, which was his favourite sleeping spot, and closing his eyes. Jimin followed him and kissed Yoongi's cheek, who was carving designs on a table, before settling down on a nearby bench.

"What is wrong with him?" the alpha asks, gesturing towards Taehyung, who tried so hard to fall asleep on the hammock. " Well the reunion meeting of the lovers didn't go as planned," he shrugs, swaying his legs above the grass.

"He is not my lover," Taehyung adds, eyes still closed. Jimin rolls his eyes. " Okay ex-lover."

"What happened? he didn't talk to him?" Yoongi asks again as he focuses back on his work.

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