Night From Hell

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It wasn't long to nightfall so we started setting up for dinner, we wanted to eat just as night came so we could walk down to the beach and muck around for a while while it was night time. I don't know why but it seemed like a fun and stupid idea to do, something only teenagers would do. "What are we having tonight?" Aquila asked as she looked through the eski, picking up anything and checking what it was. "Well what do we have Aquila? Since you've taken interest in searching through the eski, what did you find?" I asked. "Oooohh! Can we have these!" She shouted holding out a packet of crumbed Chicken nuggets for everyone to see. "Wait what! WHO PUT THOSE IN THERE!" I shouted leaning forward in my chair, almost falling out since she was crouching down beside me. Aquila shrugged and someone snickered to the right of me. "Was it you!" I shouted at Flic who was red in the face. "What? No..i...I- it wasn't me!" She said throwing her hands up in protest and also the fact that she could'nt form words. Ivy was laughing her head off right beside her not caring to back her girlfriend up at all. "IVY! You bitch! You could've told me!" I shouted once she laughed even harder at my confusion, everone else was shrugging.

"Okay! Okay! It was worth a shot, I mean come on, who dosen't like chicken nuggets?" She said still giggling. Rolling my eyes I took them from Aquila's hand and opened the box. The gas stove was one thing to work out, but since I'd seen my dad and my auntie use it we got it working within a couple minutes, the real test was how these chicken nuggets were going to taste. "GUYS!" I shouted, they were in the hammocks or either somewhere else around the camp-site. "What did you shout for?" Flic said as she slipped out of the hammock and came to sit in her chair. "Dinner's ready- I think" I replied. "Ooooo! Do they taste good?" Ivy asked when I pilled some on a paper plate for them to share. "I wouldn't know Ivy, I haven't tried them" I said as I grabbed more paper plates out of their bag and sorted out the rest of the pan. They were a bit crunchy but we didn't mind otherwise they were delicious. After dinner Zi dragged her sleeping bag out of the middle of the tent so we could play Uno.

"Huh, I didn't know it was a full moon tonight. Wow it really is bright up there" Zi whispered while Aquila placed down her plus two card. "Ow! Who's poking me?" Flic shouted beside me. "What? No-ones pok-" I was cut short by a loud grunt from Ivy beside Flic. "AH Fuck! My whole bodies tingling! The pain is getting worse!" Ivy said as she stood and almost fell back down. "Hey! Are you- ahh what the hell!" I went to help her but my own body began to tingle and the tingling pain worsend. It got to the point where we couldn't almost stand. "What do we do?" Someone screamed through their grunts and moans of pain. "Split up is all I can think of right now! The tents not a good place to be cramped up together!" I shouted out through my own pain. It felt like my muscles were on fire. Managing to get up I pushed my self into a run and headed for the beach. "Why the fuck does it feel like my left leg is about to snap off it's in that much pain?" I questioned to myself outloud. Then it hit me. The bite. "No fucking way!" I shouted in disbelief. There was no way that beast- thing had anything to do with this!" I thought. "It was a dog! It had to be!" I shouted outloud to myself again.

The pain in my left leg increased to further extreme pain and I almost slipped on a rock I was trying to jump over because it was in the middle of the path onto the beach. "Ahh shit!" Was the last words I could shout before I collapsed in a heap in the sand. My body started making not normal sounds. My legs throbbed and all I wanted was for the pain to be over, something in my legs cracked and I let out another grunt in pain. My body filled with unbelievable excruciating pain. "What the fuck is happening to me!" Was all I could croak out before everything plunged into darkness. Because I blacked out, and when I regained my conscienceness I tried to stand. When I couldn't stand I looked down to find my hands and feet but all I found were paws. I let out a shriek only to hear a whimper from what sounded like an animal. I looked around for a while only then I noticed that the noise came from me. "Okay, let's see if I can stand before I try to walk anywhere" I thought. Trying to stand up was harder than I thought, I had roll over onto my belly than try and stand up- it was really weird for my legs to be underneath me. I pushed up using my legs, managing to somewhat stay upright but only with a few little wobbles. Getting used to the idea of walking with four legs was harder than you think, it was like crawling on your hands and knees but your knees are as high as your arms and well, they didn't bend like knees at all.

Babby steps, that was all I could accomplish right now as I walked like a babby who was just learning to crawl and would stop and start with really stiff movements. "I wonder what I would look like to other people if they saw me? Then again, what the bloddy hell am I cause this for sure is not my human body!" I thought as I focused on walking to one of the rock pools infront of me. The moon helped illuminate my surroundings but it only helped my eyes see things in the distance better, my eye site was incredible. I could see almost everything around me whether it was the rocks in the sand or the waves forming out in the ocean, everything was like seeing at day time but it has a slight dark tinge to it. Not to mention my hearing, the slightest rustle from the trees and I could hear it like I was right next to it or the sound of crickets, bugs and flying foxes going about their business from just over the hill or all the way to the creek where the mangroves were.

The moon was like a little blob in the puldle of water but that's not what interested me, a wolf's head looked back at me. Every movement I made the wolf followed. "Holy shit! Why am I a wolf! I LOOK LIKE A GREY WOLF!" I screamed in my mind, I let out a sound of frustration only to tense up when the sound of a wolf growling and whinning met my ears. "Well, if I'm going to be like this for a while or stuck I might as well learn how to live like this" I thought again, the hardest part was learning how to adapt to my new body. Walking became much easier but I still had to watch my step when I picked up the pace, my eyesight didn't bother me. My ears being ontop of my head and being able to swivel around would take some getting used to, I kept along the rocks occasionally slipping with these new paws of mine otherwise I was getting the hang of it, I was trying to find a rock pool with a creature in it by using just my ears- if there was a sound near the water or the water splashed I made my way over.

I found a rock pool with a baby crab in it, the crab skirted in and out of the water onto the sand and back. Closing my eyes and sitting down I listened to what was around me with my ears, having a tail just above your butt isn't the best for sitting on rocks- all I could hear was the roaring waves of the ocean and the sea crashing into the rocks. I focused on concentrating on what I thought was the crab moving in and out of its little tide pool and slowly I could hear it move about just over the ragging ocean. Now to try running. Walking was hard enough at first but now add on a burst of speed, driftwood, sticks, rocks and a whole lot of things that could be in the sand. I let out a little laugh which came out as sort of a bark at the fact that I looked like a weirdo animal running back and forth on the beach. I leapt from one rock to another running through the sand was tough but I suspected I could go way faster on dirt, eventually I got the hang of it. So much so that I let out barks of laughter everytime I did something awsome or better and started to enjoy playing around on the beach as a wolf, trusting these new senses I was given I was able to somewhat act like a wolf. I was chasing a crab to the water when something made a twig snap up in the bush behind me below our somewhat further away camp-site. An almost fully balck wolf with a grey underbelly and grey tiped ears appeared within the edge of the trees. I let out a warning growl.

Camping Trip To HellWhere stories live. Discover now