Uncensored & Unsupervised

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It had been 45 minutes and Errol's back was sticking to the couch where he was leant against it, the legs of Justin and James on either side of him and his own legs trapped under the coffee table where the laptop was perched.

"Alright guys, thanks a lot for tuning in. Hope to see you at the game this weekend, cheers!" and with a thumbs up and a chorus of "Thanks" from the two boys behind him, Errol pressed 'stop' on the recording. All three boys breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed into their seats immediately once the screen faded to black, Justin immediately checking his phone.

"Aw shit, I got three missed calls while I was doing that."

"Hey the group chat's going off," James said, showing Justin all the messages on his screen. Errol checked his own phone, but there was nothing. He peered up at James from where he was sitting on the floor.

"I didn't get any messages..." Errol said.

"Oh nah, it's not the main group chat. S'just one a few of us boys are in," Justin quipped, nudging James with his elbow.

"And not me?" Errol asked, face dropping into a cute, puppy-like frown.

"Mate, you're in two different group chats with us," James said softly. "You don't need to be in all of them," playfully slapping Errol on the head, who just laughed his boyish giggle.

"I'm actually so exhausted after that hey," Errol panted, changing the subject as he stretched exaggeratedly.

"Should we watch it back?" Justin leant forward, resting his arm on Errol's shoulder below him.

"I can't be arsed," James yawned. "But we can just read the comments back, some of them were cooked hey, I can't believe they were even allowed!" They all laughed as they remembered the comment asking which one of them Buddy Franklin would take for a wife. Both Errol and James instantly said Juzzy. 'Bro you're so far up his ass you've got your own wing up there,' Errol quipped as James tried to contain how badly he wanted to burst out laughing – they were on camera, after all.

"Yeah, they were weird," Justin agreed. "Let's watch 'em," and they all laughed as Errol opened the laptop screen again and clicked into the TikTok live they'd just recorded. "Fuuuck boys, 45 minutes and 38 seconds. Not bad at all ay."

Errol started using the mousepad to fast-forward through the video without missing too much.

"Oi how fat do I look from that angle!" Justin whined as he looked at himself slouched back on the sofa in the clip.

"Pfft, at least your hair's not shit," James gestured to the screen with one hand while he tucked his long, blonde strands behind his ear with the other. "Why didn't you boys tell me it looked like that?"

"Lads..." Errol said impatiently. "Can we focus here?"

Questions started to pop up on the bottom of the screen, earning an excited smirk from Errol.

"OK," he announced as he leant forward to read them aloud. "Who would wear the undies they wore during a game out to dinner without washing them?"

Errol felt both James and Justin lean forward, casting a shadow over him as he blushed profusely, until he couldn't hold in his laughter. They ruffled his hair as they whispered "Feral Errol" in his ear over and over.

"Alright alright, in my defence..." Errol said, earning sarcastic jeers from the two behind him. "It was one time, and I just forgot to bring a spare, OK? It could happen to anyone!" James turned to Justin.

"That ever happened to you Juzzy?"

Justin shook his head in bewilderment. "Nah, never, guess we're not gross like someone we know."

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2023 ⏰

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