Question 191

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GachaClubDefender5: Okay, we're starting off the question from BluEmber469! *Reading the question* This is a basic one but what do you Y/Ns think of each other when you met up for this book?

G40 F(Y/N): Well, if we can agree on one thing in common is having a name (Y/N).

All the other (Y/N)'s agree with a nod.  

G64 F(Y/N): *Smile* With all of us having the same name but our appearance is base off from how our Creator viewed us in his eyes. Which we're very different from each other & from how our life is. Even though alot of us are Lesbian & Gay but also share the common trait of being together with different people in a couple or Harem Couple. 

DMG50 F(Y/N): *Smile* Like G40 F(Y/N), DMG10 F(Y/N), DW F(Y/N), DMG25 F(Y/N) & myself with alot of Girlfriends in our Harem.

DMG25 F(Y/N): And with also some of us sharing the same common of tragic & painful traumas within our life. 

DMG50 F(Y/N): *Sigh* I feel you on that...

DW F(Y/N): *Look down a bit & rub my arm* I know that tragic & painful traumas feeling too well. 

G35 (Y/N): *Concern* Yeah... Time like that I feel sorry for you guys. 

G64 F(Y/N): But you do have loved one including new one that suppose you guys & help in anyway they can even if it step by step. 

DMG10 F(Y/N): *Smile* And even some of you have adopted children that love you very much & willing to raise them even in your darkest time & taking the step to help yourself recover. You are wonderful mothers to your adopted children & another thing you have in common.

DMG25 F(Y/N): In a way yes... I love my children more than anything & I will raise them with LOVE.

DW F(Y/N): Same with me as well to give them the life to be truly happy for.

G35 (Y/N): *Smile* Hearing that make me feel happy to look forward to the future to have my own family with my boyfriend. 

G64 F(Y/N): Indeed. We're so different from each other but no doubt that we would along greatly in this wonderful friendship.

With all (Y/N) agree with each other on that. 

-Words Result: 390-

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