EP 5/23 Finale: Question 230

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GachaClubDefender5: Alrighty, we have now reach to the Finale of this Episode! We got ourselves a few questions for this finale. You guys ready to answer them?

David: *Sigh* I suppose.

Jade: *Roll my eyes* Ready as I ever been.

Wendy: Same with me.

Dawn: Well, might as well make these question at ease bearable.

Erasa: Yeah, start up the last few questions.

Erasa: Yeah, start up the last few questions

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GachaClubDefender5: Okay then. We're starting this off with Izhad2005 Question. *Reading the question* "Do any of you have any memorable experiences that you can share?"

David: Memorable experiences that we can share? *Thinking* Hmm... If I would to choose any memorable experience, I guess I'll admit that the discovery of the Shatterverse did caught me with... Quite the experience despise of our home being shatter from the Paradox Prism in 5 Shatterverse. Though I would say 3 since one of them is our home by in a sort of Ghost Space Limbo & the other being a waste lands desert theme space. But I must say that I NEVER would have thought that they would be world beyond the Prime MultiGachaverse that is within known as the Shatterverse within the Shatter spaces & seem many different versions of my Rival Friends & loved one of each having different theme & version along with how smallest change within their life would affect & change them so much. We seen it all from Son & my love Team in each Shatterverse & does bring a memorable experience on this adventure & seeing Son & my love Team putting their life & soul at risk to restore our world & CHANGE the Guardian Kind including everybody Potential with the Paradox Prism that truly enter the NEW Era of our time. He NEVER cease to amaze me & no doubt WON'T stop there as well. 

Erasa: *Smile* Well, whenever I think of Memorable Experiences Share, my mind always set on the time that I ever spend with my Girlfriend, Jade~. Time that I spend with Jade always been a memorable experience that I always cherish in my heart. The love we have & date we went including our double date with our Parent. With the New Era, this just only the true beginning of our life together~.

Jade: *Blush a bit* I wouldn't be lying if Erasa truly was the most Memorable Experiences I ever have in my life. I do treasure every moment & love I spend with her. I do see her more than a Stepsister. No doubt I will continue to make more memorable moment with her & along with our Loved one. 

Wendy: I can say that my big family, Team & Friends always gave me the most Memorable Experience in my life & help me through my toughest time & always carry over the Family Name even at it lowest point. It have always been me & my family including my Stepparent, Stepsibling & Half Sibling but my life became much bigger the moment I met my Team & the Adventure & Bond that been form between us. I do consider them as my family as well & I will always be by their side. 

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