𝟏𝟎𝟖, the cave!

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Estella, daryl, carol, aaron, and jack were on their way to meet the group from hilltop to check out alpha's horde. estella rode on her horse, whilst aaron and carol rode on another, and daryl rode his motorcycle. estella hoped that this mary girl wasn't lying. they had to find the horde, that's how they'd live. jack decided to join them last minute as he hadn't been on any sort of run in a while. liv had wanted to go, but they needed the extra hands back at alexandria.

estella also wanted to find lydia. she could've been anywhere, and she could've been in danger. they got to where they needed to be, and estella dismounted clementine as she tied her up with the rest of the horses as daryl hid his bike in some leaves. jerry, connie, kelly, and magna came out of the trees. estella was happy with the group they had pulled together.

they walked up until it got dark, and that's when they got to the border. the sticks, again, brought a sicky feeling to estella's belly as she remembered what dante said about otilie. she screamed, and nobody helped her. she wanted to cry, but she knew she'd have to keep her emotions down. she had to get her head in the game.

"this is so stupid." estella whispered to daryl as they crossed the border again, they were walking behind everyone.

"i know. hey, are you all right with the dark now?" he asked.

"not really, but there's more important things. i can't start having a melt down or something when we're across the border." she said.

"if it gets too much, you'll let me know, right?" he asked.

"mhm." she nodded. he gave her a smile and patted her on the back as they continued to walk.

they walked for a little bit, until carol pulled out her knife. daryl ran forward, so estella followed. "hey! wait!"

"what's that?" estella asked as she looked down at the weird contraption on the floor.

"a trap." he replied, before looking at carol. "you coulda lost a foot."

"they laid traps, it means we're getting closer. i saw something over there." carol said, nodding her head into a direction.

"will you stop this shit? please. you want her dead so bad, you don't even care what happens to you." daryl said.

"that's not true." carol replied. estella knew it was true. carol had been acting irrationally ever since she came back.

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