Chapter 1: Ais: Sword Princess

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???: A long time ago, we gods had sealed our divine powers, to live with the children of the earth to live our lives. We seeked excitement and wanted to live beside you, through hardship and love. We then created a group where each god and goddess will oversee you all, as we gods can offer you one power in this world: a Blessing.

     The scene shows adventurers coming and going in the city of Orario, as some of them enter the Dungeon Tower to fight and get stronger. Then, it is shown that a boy was running for his life in the fifth floor, gasping for air.

???: These blessings help our children to be able to fight your way against monsters in the dungeon or in the world. As many receive the blessings of the gods, we established a group that serves each god, know as Familia.

     The boy stopped and hid in a corner of the wall, waiting for someone.....or something to pass him by. And yet-


???: Oh no. AHHHHHHH!!!!*Runs away*

???: So in other words, Sorey, you my servant as well as your guardian. You are the only member of the Hestia Familia. Are you listening, Sorey? SOREY!!


     This was Sorey Cranel. A new adventurer that is in a Familia that has only one member. He was battling in the dungeon to get stronger, only to meet a Minotaur in the situation. Now he is running away from the said creature and trying to survive. His mind was in a panic yet didn't want to stop running.

Sorey: I got to get away, but it's still following me at a fast paste.


     He sees other adventurers in the front of him, who were surprised by the sudden Minotaur appearing in the fifth floor, despite the beast is supposed to be in the higher floors. He knew that they were not ready and didn't want to run from not helping them, so he did a U-turn and did a air kick toward the minotaur, making the creature dazed, surprisingly.

Sorey: "You guys go, I'll handle this!!"

AD1: "B-but what about you!? You ca-"


AD2: "O-o-okay, Stay safe!! AND WE'RE SORRY!!!"

     Sorey led the big Minotaur somewhere away from the entrance of the tower. It was either his pride as an adventurer or his stupidity that made him like this, yet he followed through to the end. He turned the corner and was met with the dead-end.

Sorey: 'Really? A DEAD-END NOW!? !?'

     The minotaur caught up to the beginner adventurer and sent a punch at him. Sorey luckily dodges the first hit and grabbed his dagger, then charged at the monster in front of him. He eyes enflamed with the determination to defeat this giant foe. He did multiple cuts toward the monster's legs, which cause the minotaur to try and kick him, yet the young adventurer knew it was coming. He then used the momentum to cut into its right arm, making it roar in pain.

     Blood was going out of the arm and plastered into Sorey, making him like a red mess. He was disgusted by this and kept his cool for the rest of it. 'Oh Man! I just washed these clothes. Gross.' He thought, yet still kept his eyes on the minotaur. It tried to punch him in the face, but Sorey blocked it with all for his strength.

Sorey: "Oh God! I guess this is the end."

     Just until all hope seems to be lost, footsteps was heard from behind the minotaur. He heard them coming closer to where he is and was confused. He then heard a few light swooshes from behind the minotaur and it vomited blood more. It got to him and smeared all over him. It began to tip over due to the weight Sorey was putting in the minotaur's right arm. It fell to the ground and exploded into black dust. The crystal fell on the floor and the remains of the monster was gone.

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