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Adonis POV

"Hey Don, I had fun last night".

This girl said as soon as I walked in the office.

I ignored her greeetin Ms.Bailey.

I always stayed in here before the bell rang cus i ain't wanna be bothered by no loud ass kids at 7 a.m.

"Good mornin Adonis".

"Good mornin auntie Bailey".

I said handin her two blueberry muffins and a coffee from Starbucks.

"Aw, thank you luv. West late again"?

"Hell yeah, the nigga was still sleep when i left".

"So why you ain't wake him up"?

She said puttin her hand on her hip.

"Cus he never wanna get up so I said fuck it and stopped tryna wake him up every mornin".

"I gotta say, I'm so proud of y'all".

"Why you say that"?

She smacked her lips tiltin her head at me.

"I know what y'all do outside of school".

"Even tho I don't support it I'm still proud that y'all still gettin an education and actually tryna do sumn wit y'all life".

"Most boys drop out cus they claim you can only have one life".

"Y'all do what y'all do but still manage to be on the basketball and maintain good grades".

"Y'all should be proud of y'all selves too".

"Well our parents raised young men, not lil boys".

Me and West grew up together damn near from birth.

Our mommas was best friends so we kinda had no choice but to get attached to each other.

Believe it or not, they was some fuckin thugs.

I'm talkin above kingpin type shit.

Long story short, it caught up to them and they sacrificed themselves for us to live.

The least we could do is do somethin wit our lives and the education we gettin.

We don't plan on doin this street shit forever, just until we set for life.

"That they did. But gon and head to class, the bell finna ring".

I got up givin her a side hug and walked to first period.

Everybody was loud as shit in they lil groups or whatever until the bell rang and everybody separated goin to sit down.

I sat in front of Anastasia as she had her face in a book.

"Wassup Stasi".

I said lowly but loud enough for her to hear me.

She looked up accidentally makin eye contact and quickly looked back down makin me laugh.

"Hey Don, yo hair is so beautiful today".

Teagan loud mouth ass said sittin on Stasi desk makin me mug her.

"I like yo hair blown out, it's sexy".

She tried touchin it makin me smack her hand and she laughed like shit was funny.

"Can you get off my desk please"?

Stasi asked makin the whole class go silent tryna hear her.

She looked back at her rollin her eyes and turned back to me.

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