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" You guys.. " You heard Mona speak,

"Yes, sis?"

Mona let out a small gasp, " He's in danger..!" Lumine stared at Mona with slight worry before looking at you and Mona.

"What are you talking about?" The blonde-haired traveller asked with curiousness in her voice.

"Childe! I sense it.. we have to go back where they are and see what happened."

Lumine looked at Mona with disgust for a split second before saying, " No way we can do that, it's most likely scaramouche who is doing that and we have someone he wants!"

Mona looks down in slight sadness, " Yes.. but we can protect them, I know we can, I can protect my sibling, anf you can protect your friend."

Paimon smiled, " Yep! Paimon knows we can, Traveller your really strong you can definitely save them just incase."

Lumine let out a sigh, " Fine. Let's go." She pulled on your hand lightly, intertwining her fingers with yours as she side eyed mona while walking.

You all finally reached the area and Mona perked her head out of the tree before putting a hand to her mouth.

Mona showed you what happened.

Lumine perked her head out to and her face looked surprised for a second before turning back to normal. ' I don't care about him anyways. He mightve tried to steal them away ' Was exactly what she thought in her mind at that second.

Paimon gasped before trying to say something, but Mona put a hand on her mouth before making all you hide behind the tree.

" huh.. was somebody there? I swore I heard a gasp. I guess I have to clean this up, otherwise I will get kicked.. not as if I care."

Scaramouche really did.. he really did kill Childe, and brutally to.

Paimon looked surprised but also a bit sad you felt bad for The poor.. fairy..

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