1: Bamboo Stitch

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March 27, 2018

"It's happened," said the group leader, "and now we have to put the plan in place like we discussed. The first step is set to take place soon."

The rest of the gang nods, agreeing that it's time to start moving on the project they had all committed to months ago.

"Anyone need a refresher on her role?" Carefully examining the blank faces around the table, the leader sighs, opening her notebook and scrolling backwards to eight months previously, reading the notes from their meeting at the time.

Relief crosses more than one face, and the chairperson is proud of herself for taking good notes during the planning stage. Of course, none of them had expected to implement the scheme this soon, but what could one do? Some things were out of their control completely.


April 1, 2018

"But I don't want to go to England," Elena whines via FaceTime with the solicitor, "I've got too much to do here in Kansas City."

"It is a stipulation of your grandmother's will that you be present to take possession of the property. Otherwise, it goes to auction, and all of the proceeds are donated to various charities," the man explains very carefully, as if to a child.

"I have an MBA; I am not a two-year old," she retorts angrily, "And while I understand the conditions, I cannot just uproot myself to move to Holmes Chapel for however long probate takes. I'm in the process of finding a new job." Her back has stiffened along with her words, but dismay has spread throughout her body. How could she afford a trip to England just now?

"Nevertheless, this is a requirement of your grandmother's last will and testament," puffs the solicitor.

Oh, Gran, Elena thinks, Why was it so important to you that I be present? I'm just going to sell the business and come back here. It would be so much easier if the solicitor could sell the property and send me the money.

Loudly, she sighs, "I can't afford a plane ticket right now. I just got laid off from work, and I have no income coming in...."

"Not an issue," the solicitor replies quickly, "the estate will pay for your flight. I will have a ticket sent to you immediately."

Elena hangs up the video call.

Guess I'm going to England.


July 24, 2018

Harry wanders through the town where he grew up. Everything feels different now. Bland. Nowhere near as exciting. Hollow like bamboo. Whereas life had been laid out before him a year ago at this time, he now feels at loose ends. His first tour, including his first solo arena shows, are over. The pride that swells in him when he thinks about the tour fades quickly as he thinks about his original plans for after the tour. He was nearly positive that he was going to get offered the lead in the new Spike Jonze movie which was set to start filming in the next week. The disappointment had been overwhelming when Jeff had let him know they had gone with another actor.

The day is chilly, only about 19°C, which is typical for July. Harry's brightly colored sweater might make him stand out in the Holmes Chapel crowd, but it has the advantage of keeping him warm in the drizzly weather. Keeping an eye out for gangs of roving fans, he wanders the streets of his hometown, hands in his pockets, humming a new tune that might be on his next album if he ever writes lyrics for it. It's a bittersweet melody, and that mirrors how he feels these days.

The town itself hasn't changed much, and he wanders past the W. Mandeville Grocer & Baker where he used to work. When he first returned home after the tour, he had attempted a visit, but the number of fans waiting in line had convinced him not to try that again. It saddened him sometimes, this double-edged sword of fame. Mandeville was getting business thanks to him, but he was denied the opportunity to reminisce and be hugged by those whom he loved. Continuing down the street, he walks towards the Sainsbury's Local. It's not that he needs groceries. His mum's house is stocked. Instead, he needed to get out of the house. But there's nowhere to go anymore. Everyone treats him with deference, and he wants to be somewhere that no one knows who he is.

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