The Tanned Triangle Part 2: The Smush Room and Pinkeye

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((AN: Finally kicked this sickness, again, sorry for the late update and thank you to everyone who commented well wishes. Now on to The Tanned Triangle part 2! Hopefully this chapter is longer than the last chapter. Speaking of the last chapter, I made a few changes so if you want, re-read that! Remember to drink water, take your meds if you need them and I hope you have a great day!))

The roommates minus Sam, Mike, Vinny and Jenni all wait outside The Shore Store, just hanging out and making small talk while Jenni and Vin go in to break the news to the two working, about everyone going out to the club with out them. Sylas stands between Pauly and Ron, Snooki in front of him with his arms wrapped around her shoulders. The two other guys are talking amongst themselves while Sy leans down to whisper in Nicole's ear.

"You look mad hot tonight, Poof. Save me a dance at Karma?" Snooki grins up at him and nods, reaching up and lacing their fingers together. "Yeah, yeah. If you wanna do you tonight that's cool, but if you don't bring a girl or guy home we should cuddle." She replies back and he nods in return just as Vinny and Jwoww come back out of the store, Vinny laughing. "He gave me the finger!"

Snookie: Out of everyone in the house I only really bonded with Sylas so, like, if he doesn't bring a girl home tonight and I end up in his bed; I'm not gonna be mad. He's obviously attractive, so if he tries to smush I'm not gonna tell him no. *She laughs.*


Everyone that's in their group makes their way to Karma, the chosen party spot for tonight. They show their ID's and make their way inside where the music is pumping and the crowd is thriving. Immediately they all make their way to the bar, ordering a drink and giving a single cheers before spreading out. Sylas makes his way on to the dance floor, drink in hand as he moves his hips to the beat. Snooki hangs out on the dance floor in a spot not too far away from him, sipping her drink and dancing. He looks over and see's Jwoww and Pauly talking, looking a little too friendly. A smirk makes it's way over his face and he shakes his head in amusement at the two.

Ronnie is just hanging out, vibing with the other club goers and Vinny approaches Sylas, his drink in hand and grins, raising his voice as he speaks so that he can be heard over the music. "We're gonna get laid tonight!" Sylas busts out laughing and fist bumps his friend, nodding along to what he's saying. "Hell yeah!" "Come on, come on, dance with me!" Sy raises an eyebrow and looks at Vinny for a second before shrugging once and downing the rest of his drink. He tosses the plastic cup in a nearby trash can and steps up to the other man.

"Try and keep up, Vincent!" Sylas says with a wide grin as he grabs his hand and drags him over to a clear spot on the floor to dance. The two start out battling, Sylas clearly having the upper hand. Vinny grabs Sy's hand and spins him around, pulling him back so that his chest is to Sylas' back. A few people look on with a raised brow, but Sylas doesn't even notice. Back home this isn't unusual for him. He and his straight guy friends dance all the time, especially the super buff ones because nobody says shit to them about it; too afraid of taking a beat down.

Vinny: I don't give a fuck if you're fat, ugly, you're 45 years old, you're a guy. I'll dance with you. Its hilarious, you know what I mean?

Pauly and Ron stand over to the side watching as Sylas starts to grind up on Vinny, the two dancing like most of the guys and girls in the club. Pauly cheers, clapping and throwing his hands in the air while Ronnie laughs beside him, opening his next beer. Vinny's hands come to rest on Sy's hips, not stopping him but grinding back in rhythm with him. Sylas' hands roam up his own body as he moves, smirking and then suddenly pulling away from Vin with one last grind against him and turning to face him as he speaks. "I'm getting another drink, besides, wouldn't want to scare away any potential hook ups for you."

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