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Chapter two


𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙧𝙚 𝙘𝙖𝙧𝙧𝙞𝙖𝙜𝙚 𝙧𝙞𝙙𝙚 𝙬𝙖𝙨 𝙙𝙚𝙖𝙩𝙝𝙡𝙮 𝙨𝙞𝙡𝙚𝙣𝙩, the only sound was the quite conversing of James and Sirius which Monroe didn't bother listening too.

She wasn't oblivious to the fact that James kept glancing at her and giving her dirty looks while Sirius was talking, but it didn't bother her not even slightly, she's been through worse that a carriage ride with some dickhead Gryffindors.

When the carriage finally arrived at the entrance of the school, Monroe was the first off of the carriage, pushing Lily Evans out of the way which made her scoff in disbelief.

She was walking away when she heard James yell, "Don't come near me again Taylor! I lose brain cells just being in your presence!"

She held her middle finger up behind her back without looking at him and yelled back back, "Fuck off, Potter!"

She met Alex outside the castle entrance where the girl smirked as she talked about all the interactions with boys that she'd had over the summer, catching Monroe up.

Once they arrived at their house table, Monroe sat between Alex and a fellow sixth year Slytherin, Narcissa Black who she tolerated more than the rest.

Narcissa smiled and said hello to the pair before the sorting ceremony began, Monroe just spaced out as usual until she felt a pair of eyes burning into her face.

She looked up from where she was twiddling her thumbs and locked eyes with no other than James Potter. She raised her eyebrows at him in a 'What do you want' type gesture, which made moved his eyes away.

Before she looked away she noticed a fellow sixth year boy eyeing Alexandra like she was a shiny new toy and She was about to hex him in seventy different ways until she felt a presence across from her.

She looked up in front to her where she noticed a little girl with dirty blonde hair, most probably a first year.

The girl met Monroes gaze and smiled and said, "Celia Price, good to meet you."

Monroe smiled subconsciously at the girls confidence, luckily no one saw, god knows what one smile would do to her reputation she replied to Celia, "Monroe Taylor, nice to meet you Celia."

A look of what seemed to be realisation crossed the girls eyes, "You're the bitchy Slytherin princess."

"So that's what there calling me now? It was just bitch last year."

Celia nodded, "Yeah all the first years kept getting told by everyone when they walked past to 'watch out for the princess' I thought it was funny but other people where scared of you."

Monroe smirked, and responded, "Good. Just how it's always been."

"I like you."

"Well little Celia, I like you as well. But don't tell anyone wouldn't want people to not fear the princess, now would we?"

The first year shook her head whilst smiling widely.


Later that night, after the sorting ceremony Monroe sat on the windowsill of her private dorm room  -  one of the perks to being part of one of the most wealthy and well known magical families - a lit cigarette between her fingers as she blew the smoke out of the window into the cold September night.

She hadn't been able to sleep, she tried and tried but to no avail. Sleep was always something that Monroe struggled with. It wasn't because she chose not too, but because of the nightmares that plagued it.

She'd struggled with it since that day when she was eight and her world changed forever, she'd never had a peaceful moment of sleep since.

She stubbed put the cigarette in the ashtray beside her and slid a dressing gown over her plaid green pyjamas and quietly tip-toed out of her dorm room.

She quietly creeped down the hallway and out of the Slytherin common room, past a first year asleep on the sofa, and exited the the dungeon where the common room was held.

She walked down a few hallways before she arrived at the familiar door that lead to the kitchen. She opened it and quietly closed it behind her.

"Hello Marvel." She greeted one of the kitchen elves she had become quite aquatinted with since she accidentally stumbled upon the kitchens in first year.

The elf looked towards her, smiled and said, "Hello there miss Taylor, lovely to see you. How was your summer?"

Monroe smiled at the elf and responded, "It was okay, bit boring."

Marvel hummed, "Well that's a bit rubbish. Would you like the usual?"

Monroe smiled brightly, "Yes please, Marvel."

The elf smiled back and walked away but returned moments later with a steaming cup of pumpkin tea and a muffin.

"Thank you Marvel." The elf smiled at her before he went and sat with the other kitchen elves in the corner of the massive room.

Monroe started drinking her tea and eating the muffin until, she headed the kitchen door open, and a familiar voice yell out, "Marvel?"

Monroe set her cup down and rubbed a hand over her face and muttered, "You've got to be joking me."

Surely enough, out of the darkness emerged James fucking Potter.

When Marvel noticed the two he walked up with a smile and said, "Mr. Potter, nice to see you, have you met Miss. Taylor here already?"

James looked Monroe up and down from where she was in her seated position, and said, "Yes. We're aquatinted. Unfortunately."

The Slytherin rolled her eyes and took a sip of her tea as James sat on the stool beside her as Marvel brought him a cup and filled it with some tea.

"So," James said, not looking at Monroe but spoke to her, "why you in the kitchens at, two-thirty
in the morning."

She rolled her eyes and stood up and said, "No need for the faux niceties Flea, I'm done now anyway. Enjoy, good bye Marvel."

The elf nodded at her and watched as she walked away but she paused when she headed James yell back to her, "Why're you such a knob all the time?"

The girl chuckled and yelled back, "Go fuck yourself." Before walking out of the kitchens and back towards the dungeons, trying to at least get a few hours of sleep.

" Before walking out of the kitchens and back towards the dungeons, trying to at least get a few hours of sleep

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Heyyyy chapter two, done

I'm making Monroe's past traumatic because I feel like it.

And if you saw mistakes, no you didn't you're being deceived.

And I feel like I have to put it out there, if Taylor was around when this book is set, Monroe would be a swiftie and she would be a rep/ speak now /folklore Stan.

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