Chapter 1. Part 4

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     "Oh don't you find it our lives have connected with trust and our undying love to be with each other mi amor. Alexander spoke softly to her, his eyes staring back into hers with a loving gaze, holding her small soft hands in with his scratched up palms. His heart pounded in his chest as he soon realized how much he loved her. As long as we are alive my dear you do not have to worry, I would do anything for your love and your acceptance. I'd burn the world for you if you really wanted, keeping you close by my side as we watch the world burn before us. Giving us a new start to life, I'd do anything in my power to make you happy my love. Your eyes shine like the stars, your lips speak words no human will ever hear, you listen like no one else keeping an open ear to others. You know all to well what it's like to be alone, never again will you have to worry of such a monstrosity, you deserve everything and more, and by the bottom of my heart and soul you will never have to worry about me leaving you my dear. His smile made her heart flutter, she smiled back at him as they embraced each other in their arms, a long loving embrace as the stars shined above them."
     Maya read her book as per usual, the new chapter came out less than an hour ago and she was already hooked into it. The loving words bringing her a sense of peace. Tears formed in Maya's eyes as she soon realized how alone she really was, her heart shattered as she longed for someone like Alexander to tell her those exact words. As she began to cry she became lost within her thoughts, picturing the perfect moment that someone, somewhere would love her just as much as Alexander loved his partner. As she quickly tried to wipe away the endless stream of tears she continued to read her story.
      "I wanna give you some advice mi amor..never let anyone tell you, that you are never enough, because you are, any bad days that happen, let them come to you. For a beautiful moment will appear right before your eyes giving you the time of a lifetime, and I'd love to be there with you for your best days but also your worst, you should never have to be or feel alone my dear. I promise you, I will never leave you alone again. Alexander's voice began to break, tears forming in his eyes as he spent the time with her like it was another. She looked at him with a smile as she wiped away his tears, she understood everything he was telling her and for once actually believed him. Alexander cupped her face gently slowly bringing her in for a loving embracing kiss, their lips locking together as they embraced such a blissful moment together, their hearts pounding out of their chests as they slowly broke away contact with each other. I love you as much as I love the universe that holds us all together, without the universe we would have never met my love, but I'd look for you in every single life we life just to live another life with you."
    As Maya continued to read the end of the chapter that came out she smiled as the last sentence went through her head, finding your soulmate in every life time even to search for them is heartwarming and heartbreaking to her. She closed the app and went onto her music app to play some music while she cleaned up her room. Putting on the song "Worlds smallest violin by AJR" playing in the background, as she began to sing along with the song while cleaning up the dishes on her bedside, the dirty laundry lying around on the floor of her room. Maya went into the kitchen keeping her phone in her back pocket while placing the dishes into the sink, rinsing each dish thoroughly before putting it into the dishwasher. As the song ended she was greeted with "Sh-Boom by The Chords" she began to hum along while swaying side to side before full on breaking out into a dance as the song played. As she finished cleaning up the kitchen and her room, Maya pulled out her phone seeing a text from her newly founded friend Raven.
    "Hey hun! I hope you're doing alright, have you eaten today? Drank any water to keep yourself hydrated? Oh! And how is that book of yours going? I know you've been really into reading it so i'm just wondering how it's going for you! I haven't seen you in about a week so I was wondering when you were free next? I wanna hangout with you when you're free. Please stay safe and I hope to hear from you soon!"
    Maya smiled at the message as she replied back to her just as quickly as she read the message.
   "I'm doing alright! I have eaten and I have a water bottle filled with water (: And I should be free tomorrow if you can hangout then! And the book is getting really good, Alexander is showering his soulmate with more love and affection that I've ever seen or read. It's sad though when you think about it, he understands her more than anyone ever did and even said that she would never be alone again and that he'd search for her in every lifetime to spend every life they have together." Maya waited as Raven saw her message and began to type, as soon as the message sent Maya looked down to see what had been sent.
     "Yea! I can hangout tomorrow, we can hangout at either my house or your house if you'd like. And if we aren't there yet with our friendship I was thinking maybe we can go get something to eat and possibly go window shopping? Or if we find anything to buy we can! And that sounds so sweet, and you're right it sounds sad to ever hear someone love someone so much that they'd find them in every lifetime. Sad because it doesn't happen often with most relationships but knowing you, I know you'll get that reality too! Just let me know when you want to go hangout tomorrow and you can tell me everything about this book you're reading! It sounds really good for a romance novel."
    Maya's heart pounded in her chest as she read the text from Raven, no one ever really wanted to hear her gush about a book she'd read since a lot of people she came across told her that they were just fairytales. However the text from Raven was reassuring to Maya as she replied back to the previous message.
    "We can hangout at either or but I wouldn't mind grabbing some food if thats what we wanna do to at least meet up and then eat at my place? I tend to have a really good view of the sky from where I live, and I believe you'd really like the scenery from my house. I can't wait to see you tomorrow, you better be ready because I'm going to nerd out about this book when we hangout!"
   After sending the message she put her phone on the charger and went about her day as usual, jamming out to music and doodling on her notebook, after doodling she'd get on her computer to play video games till the crack of dawn.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2023 ⏰

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