2. Priorities

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Cleo didn't really know what to expect. She hasn't gone to school for how many years now? 5? 6? A long time, that's for sure. She didn't really remember what it was like to go to school, other than that kids were mean and it was meant to be a place of learning. So... what kind of shit show was this supposed to be?

"Is that a new girl?"

"She has to be new! I mean, I definitely would've known if someone like that attended here before."

"She looks like a criminal!"

"You're only saying that because of those piercings."

"She's hot!"

People squatting in random corners to smoke, incredibly short pencil skirts, the stench of gossip... The old man said this school was cheap and better than the ones in Itaewon— but if this was better than the schools in Itaewon, she did not want to know how bad the other schools could possibly get.

"Oh well, I didn't have high expectations anyways," she shrugged, grasping the straps of the bag that hung off of her back, "Central Seoul schools are supposed safe from those guys, anyways."

Venturing into the school, Cleo didn't really know how to feel. This was the first time she's been surrounded by people her age in a while. Not to mention how behind she probably is in every single subject... and the fact she has to balance that with the stupid tattoo shop. Yeah, scratch that, Cleo knows exactly how to feel— angry.

"I need to start looking for more staff... I'll put some posters up after school," she muttered to herself, "I might need to get a tutor, too. But if I were to do that..."

Distracted by her own thoughts, Cleo wasn't made aware of a certain person staring at her. With wide eyes, big Daniel gaped at Cleo. 'It's the girl from the store last night! She goes to our school? Wait, she's a highschooler?! B-but doesn't she work at that strip—'

Daniel, lost in his thoughts, neglected to realize he was standing in the middle of the hall, blocking the path right in front of Cleo— who also happened to be as distracted as ever. She hadn't realized he was even there until the moment she walked straight into him. (Woah. K-drama moment.)

"Oof!" Daniel breathed out. 'Geez, she's pretty strong.'

"Shoot, my bad—," Cleo blinked after getting a face full of the tall boys chest, looking up to meet his dark colored eyes, "Oh wow."

Full, tinted lips, sharp jawline, a tall nose, expensive brands, big ol' biddies. Yeah... she couldn't help but say it.

"You're hot."

Daniel was stunned. Was she always this outstandingly straightforward, or was he just...unlucky? Lucky? He stuttered, trying to find his words as Cleo watched him, entertained by his reaction.

"I-, um, that's really— you, uh, umm, thanks... you.. too?" he finally got out, a rosy tint slowly warming up his cheeks as it really set in.

"Of course!" she smiled brightly, "Say... you ever thought about being a tattoo model? It pays pretty well!"

"Huh?" Daniel furrows his eyebrows. A tattoo model of all things? ...She thinks he could be a model? Daniel's face flushed again, "I-I can't say I have—"

"Danny!~" A saccharine voice called, "What's up!"

The girl approached Daniel with a cute expression, clinging onto his arm, "Who's this? Do you know her?" she asked, eyes staring into Cleo.

Visually, Cleo saw a pretty girl, cheerfully approaching her friend with a bright smile. But looking into her eyes, she saw a rabid dog growling with foam at the mouth, ready to attack anyone who enters its domain— the look of a very territorial creature.

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