Chapter Twenty Seven*

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****Warning this chapter contains smut. But it's cute smut****


Grayson's entire demeanor was different. Sure Emma had assumed he would have given her a heartfelt greeting when she surprised him at Knight, but his reaction was more intense than she had ever expected.

He clung to her as if she was the only thing worth living for and it was a sensation she wasn't used to. Not only that but his affection for her seemed to have evolved into pure devotion during their time apart and Emma was loving every second of it.

Marcus was kind enough to give them a ride to Grayson's apartment and Emma found that staying awake was much more difficult than she thought. The car ride felt like it had lasted ten seconds, because before she knew it Grayson was gently coaxing her back to consciousness.

"We're here Em." His voice was so soft and genuine.

Arching her back, Emma stretched and groaned, still groggy from her cat nap as she climbed out the vehicle.

"Thank you for driving us." Emma said sweetly to Marcus who didn't seem bothered by the task in the least.

"You two need to get some sleep." His words held a double meaning and both Grayson and Emma exchanged sheepish looks before nodding in agreement like a couple of horney teenagers.

"At least a little sleep." Marcus corrected with a chuckle.

"That's much more reasonable." Grayson said with a smile, slinging his bag over his shoulder.

Giving him a playful slap on the chest with the back of her hand, Emma pretended to be offended despite the fact that she also knew there would be very little sleeping going on.

As Marcus drove away, Grayson kept one hand around Emma's waist, letting her walk slightly in front of him up the steps. He was so attentive and caring with even the smallest of actions.

Producing his keys from his pocket, Grayson unlocked the door and entered first, taking Emma gently by the hand. He waited until she was inside and locked the door behind them, taking advantage of the darkness of his empty apartment.

His large body pinned her against the door and she heard the loud thud of this bag hitting the ground. The sensation of his strong hands cupping the sides of her face forced a soft sigh from her lips. With his fingers threaded in the back of her hair, he manipulated her head, tilting it up to face him.

"I missed you so much." He whispered in the dark with his lips touching hers.

"I missed you more than that. Every day." Emma's reply sent a shockwave through Grayson's body and he pressed himself against her as his breathing became ragged.

He was desperate for her in every way and she was in love with the way it felt to be loved this deeply.

"Em, before you the bar...I'm so fucking sorry."

Shaking her head, Emma refused to rehash the terrible night, lifting her hand toward his mouth in a physical effort to silence him.

"No. I don't want to talk about that because I've already forgiven you. There's enough blame to go around and I don't want to think about that right now. It's over and behind us."

Emma had never seen a more relieved smile than the one that slowly spread across Grayson's face before he kissed her deeply. His kisses were just as desperate as his words and Emma felt her body go limp in his arms.

"I love you. I love you. I've always loved you." He whispered, kissing her between his sweet declarations.

Unable to control her own smile, Emma grinned blissfully against Grayson's mouth as he showered her with unrelenting kisses.

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