Chapter 17

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Another week had gone by since Alec stopped by. I stretched my arms as the sunlight peaked into the cold dark gothic room. I swung my legs over the bed as I jumped down opening the window for some fresh air. I looked over the horizon of the morning day to be met with buildings and a garden down below from my small balcony. I took a deep breath in and walked to the bathroom to take a shower. I stared at myself in the mirror as my towel was wrapped around me my brown eyes connecting to my own I was starting to lose weight already from not eating for two weeks. The bruise that was on my neck was turning yellow as the other bruises on my body were as well. I grabbed my brush from off the counter brushing through my wet tangled hair once I was done I put moisturizer onto my sun kissed face. I loathed the sun and the beach I missed the sand between my toes. I missed Forks and all the Cullens and Bella and uncle Charlie. The beautiful greenery of the forest that looked almost as magical as the supernatural living in it. I twisted the towel with my hair on top of my head to pick out an outfit for today even though I obviously wasn't going anywhere or seeing anyone. I decided to match my outfit today with the aesthetic of the room. I pulled out my red button up Vivian Westwood sweater and a black cami to go under it and a short cheetah skirt with a pair of my black doc martins. I stared at the pearled necklace my mother gave me that held her and my dad in it when we were in Paris and decided that I'll never take it off. And put some more jewelry on. I threw my long almost dried wavy brunette hair into a claw clip leaving two front pieces out to frame my face. I pulled out my makeup bag and caked up my face I put winged eyeliner on along with my lashes to give a more dramatic cat eye effect. I put a light pink blush on my cheeks and nose per usual and lined my lips and put my Dior lip gloss on as the finish. I stared lovingly back at myself I would never let someone take my human form away from me I just wouldn't allow it my sun kissed skin and freckles and brown golden eyes were what made me well me. I had my dads eyes and freckles that's why I loved it so much it reminded me of him.

(Her outfit :))

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(Her outfit :))

  My phone started to buzz on the counter I unlocked my phone to see Bella calling me I hurried up and answered to hear a very frantic Bella. "Is, something is wrong." "Bells what happened aren't you still on your honeymoon? What's going on?" I heard her throwing up over the phone. "Bells did you catch a bug out there? Where's Edward are you okay?" "No I'm not he's on the phone with Carlisle. I'm pregnant Isabel." My jaw almost dropped to the floor. "How? I thought vampires couldn't make babies?" She started crying. "I don't know Is, it's growing fast I can feel it. We're about to head home to Forks right now." I was starting to get frustrated that I was stuck here. "It's going to be okay right Bella? Carlisle will help you and we will figure this out." She started crying more on the phone " Isabel he won't even call it a baby he thinks it's a monster. But I can feel it I just know it's not." I took a deep breath in "Everything is going to be okay Bella. You guys will figure it out he's probably just scared. I'm scared also I've never heard of anything like this before you literally just lost your virginity last week. Maybe it's a miracle baby." "Ya that's what I'm thinking also I'm going to call Rosalie I know she will back me up." "Okay bells I love you keep me updated." And the line ended. I really gotta figure out an escape plan and go home to Bella. Just when I was in my thoughts there was a knock on my door usually the person who brought me food would knock and leave it in my room and zoom out before I saw them but this time it was different no one came in. I exited the bathroom thinking that maybe they left while I picked up my book of Romeo and Juliet basic ya I know. Just as I sat on the couch there was knocking again "come in?" And the door opened and there in my doorway stood two scary ass vampires one was super tall and built with dark brown hair and the other was tall but not as tall as the other with dirty blonde hair. They inched closer to me as my heart started to jump out of my chest in fear. The short one punched the tall one "Look Felix your scaring the poor girl with your looks." He laughed at him as the other looked down and made a tsk sound shoving him a bit. "Hey I'm Dimitri and this big scary looking dude is Felix we're your guards we usually take turns guarding outside your door. My apologies for not introducing ourselves earlier, Alec is on a mission right now so we thought it be appropriate to finally meet you." He said as he put his arm behind his head. Felix waved at me a bit awkwardly trying to give me a non scary smile. I closed my book and set it down "Nice to meet you both no offense but you both are super creepy." I said as I slowly stood up to give myself some more distance from the both of them. "If you don't mind leaving" I said fear in my voice as I also squeaked out "please?" Which made Felix start to laugh grabbing his stomach Dimitri even started laughing at me also. "Is there something on my face or something? cause what I said wasn't exactly funny." I said as my voice quieted a bit at the end of my sentence. The blonde one Dimitri looked up at me and smiled a bit "We're not going to hurt you, anyways Alec would kill us if we even moved a hair on your head. We both just thought that maybe you could use some company you've been in this room by yourself for two days and we've been kinda getting shit from Alec cause you won't exactly eat your food..." I nodded at him "It's not going to make a difference." I said as I crossed my arms giving a slight attitude "I don't like vampires who feed on humans I've had countless traumatic events with them so I would much rather be by myself. Thanks for the offer though." As I tried to shoo them out of my room with my hand to show I was uninterested. But they didn't move they still just stood there staring at me "Can you guys go? And stop staring at me with your red creepy Beaty eyes please?" They both smiled at each other as Felix the tall one finally spoke " You see that's the problem we can't exactly leave, the kings want you in the throne room in an hour. So we thought that we could maybe give you some company before we took you there." I grabbed onto my necklace that held my family in it "Why do they want to see me? Can I just not go?" Dimitri started to walk a bit closer to me as I backed up some more to keep some distance. "It's the kings orders we all have to follow them so there's no escaping it . But you don't have to be scared of us our orders are to guard you and keep you safe." He smiled at me trying to ease the tension around us. "Even though you do smell phenomenal it's not worth our heads in the long run." He tried to joke which I didn't take as a joke or a compliment I just looked at them both with fear and disgust. Felix walked over to the book I was reading "Your reading Romeo and Juliet ? Do you mind if we read with you until it's time to go?" I liked how he switched the conversation to something else as I debated his question I finally gave into there persistence realizing that they weren't going to give up. I nodded my head as the both went to grab a book to read as I sat back onto the couch and picked my book back up Dimitri walked over to me and sat next to me causing me to scoot more to the edge of the couch away from him. Which made him laugh a bit I really didn't understand how any of this was funny. Felix understood me being uncomfortable with them around and stood next to the bookcase as he read also. "This book is boringggg." Dimitri said next to me throwing it across the table. For a vampire this man was extremely childish. "Uhh um Dimitri if you don't mind me asking how old are you?" He looked at me and gave me a smile and before he could speak Felix intervened "We're both old enough to be your great great great great great great you get the jist grandpas." I shifted uncomfortably on the couch from that information. "That makes you both extremely more creepy." They both started to laugh at that as Dimitri stopped and looked at me seriously "you think were creepy? The kings are the oldest vampires to exist." I shuddered at the thought " well now you just made me not want to meet them even more. That's creepy as fuck." They laughed more at me the moment getting shut down as my phone started to ring. "Hold on I'm getting a call" as walked into the bathroom closing the door behind me and turning the sink on hoping that it would help to cover the conversation. "Hey Bella what's the news?" She stuttered a bit "Edwards mad that I'm keeping it, and Alice can't see anything past my stomach including my future. But I told them I'm keeping it and Rosalie is on my side thank god. It's growing super fast already my stomach is already a little bit bigger since I called you." I let out a small breath of relief  " I'm just happy you made it back safe and that your in the presence of a doctor incase something goes wrong." I heard a knock on the bathroom door. "I've got to go bells, I love you so much." And I hung up before she could ask me what was going on I put my phone in my luggage incase they would take it from me and exited the bathroom. "It's time to go." Felix said as all three of us exited the room I was staying in. We walked down the dark stone walled halls of the castle reaching to a staircase leading down. Which reminded me of one my nightmares that I had which was really weird. We walked down them both of the men on either side of me as we made it down by the reception lady I stopped walking this was the same area I was at with my friends before they entered those doors that lead to there death. Felix and Dimitri kept walking until they realized I wasn't between them anymore. They looked behind to see me standing with terror and sadness on my face I could hear there screams over and over in my head again. I crouched down onto the floor and held my legs to my chest and tucking my head in. Felix walked over to me "Are you okay? Isabel? Do you feel sick? What's going on? We have to go in or else the kings will be mad at us. Come on." I looked up and saw Felix had offered his hand to me which was a nice gesture but I didn't take it he probably ate one of my friends too. I swatted his hand away from me as I stood up holding my stomach feeling sicker and sicker as we walked to the doors that lead into the throne room. As we entered I scanned over the room as Felix and Dimitri left me to stand in there spots in the throne room. I stood in the middle of the room facing the three scary kings holding my stomach even tighter nausea flooding over my body at the thought of my friends being eaten by them in here. I felt like I was in a lions den and I was the prey. I watched as the middle king that held a cheerful sadistic like smile walked towards me causing me to back up some more. I noticed the blonde king getting a bit irritated at my actions "Human you will not back away like that from us we are your superiors know you place." The one that was getting closer to me spoke back to him "Cauis, it is fine the Cullens must have not educated the little thing." As he turned back to me "ciao bel sole do not fret I am Aro it's a pleasure to finally meet Alec's mate." He smiled at me not a smile of kindness but with weirdness as he offered me to grab his hand. Which only made me take a few steps back more earning his smile to drop " come come dear don't be afraid." When I didn't move he vampire sped in front of me grabbing my hand closer to him as my other held my stomach. I watched as he stood there staring at me with a smile. Until he was done and dropped my hand from his own. He walked away putting his hands together "You really are molto Bella as the sun. I am sorry about your friends and your father mia cara Isabel Fiore. Death is never easy for you humans is it?" I looked at him with wide eyes starting to feel more nauseated and light headed from this whole ordeal. I held onto my stomach even tighter. I heard the doors slam shut as I saw Alec and his twin I think her name was Jane walk into the throne room. Jane walked over to her spot when Alec spotted me and moved to stand in front of me. "Greetings Aro, Cauis, and Marcus me and Jane finished our mission successfully." His form was overly perfect as he stood blocking me from the kings as Aro started to speak "Thank You Alec. Have we decided the date for our lovely Isabel's change?" I saw Alec stiffen a bit at the question unsure why. " Yes Aro I've decided once I gain better control around her I will turn her. I'm 100% sure I'm not ready yet I'm scared that once I start I won't be able to stop." I started to see stars until my vision went black.

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