Chapter 7

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Once we finally arrived to Bella's home I grabbed my things from Edwards car before he could help me and ran into the house. I heard Bella trail behind me and follow me up the stairs to my room that was right next to hers. She sat on my bed as I looked around the room that I haven't been in since I was 11. I was ready to unpack my boxes and my luggage and decorate my room to try and distract myself from this new dark world I never wanted to be in. I bent down and grabbed a box full of clothes and started to put them away in my dresser, when I heard Bella's soft voice " Is, I know this is a-lot of information to take in, it was really hard on me when I found out also. I know it's not going to do much but I'm really sorry about your friends I know how much you cared about them". I looked up at her and stopped what I was doing, trying my hardest not to get angry at her or bombard her with an ocean of tears so I simply took in a breath and gave her a sad smile. I returned to what I was doing as she stayed with me not leaving my side. I appreciated her company I honestly didn't want to be alone at all. The quietness of being alone in my thoughts or the bloodcurdling screams that taunted my mind horrified me. she started to help me by hanging my clothes that I set aside into the closet and put all my shoes on my shoe rack for me. As I organized my makeup for my vanity. It was a small room that seemed a lot bigger when I was little.  I've gotten used to my huge room and my own bathroom back at home I definitely was living in luxury. I set up my books on the coffee table next to my bed and me and Bella started to decorate my room with pink flowers that hung from the ceiling that matched my pink and white bed set. We then started to hang my fairy lights around the room and hang up a few paintings that I had made in Italy. Until we got to one box I pulled out my candles and my crystals. And pulled out a picture frame of me and Bella when we were 11, which Bella smiled at as she stared at the picture reminiscing. I pulled another out it was my mom and dad and me all together like a happy family I looked at it for a while as we sat on the floor tears started to leak from my eyes. Ever since that incident on my birthday I always felt like it was my fault, it was my fault I wanted to go to a party on my birthday and it was my fault I got too drunk that night with my friends. I missed my dad so bad. I wished that I could do everything differently that day. Bella rubbed my back silently as I cried I was still grieving my father it literally was just last month I started to make progress by leaving my bed to go to school. I grabbed the last picture frame I had in the box it was me and my group of friends dressed up for fashion week in Milan all of us posing like we were on the run way. " Bella I feel so guilty I should have went with them. Why was I the one that made it out alive and not them?" As tears were pouring out from my eyes she grabbed me into a hug and held me as I cried. Edward somehow appeared in the door way leaning against it with his arms crossed "I think it was fate that you ran into us before you went through those doors. You would have witnessed something alot darker then those screams. And since your Alec's supposed mate you would have been kept alive until the volturi turned you." I contemplated on what he said I supposed he was right I don't know these people and the situation could have ended up alot worse then what it was. "You honestly got lucky. Who would want to be stuck with a creepy witch twin for eternity." He shuddered at his words trying to bring light to situation. As I sniffled and hiccuped a bit in Bella's arms trying my best to stop my tears. I wiped my eyes as I slowly pulled away from Bella as she ran her fingers through my hair. " Isabel, I'm sorry about your friends, grieving for people is never easy. I hope one day you'll find peace and happiness in your mind when you think about them. My kind is nothing to take lightly especially the volturi, they especially look down on humans and only see them as an opportunity to feed on." I nodded as I listened whipping away a few stray tears that fell from my eyes. I grabbed another box and opened it to find my paint supplies and canvases. As Edward entered my room and grabbed one of my books to read while me and Bella returned to unpacking. I was in the middle of putting my picture frames and my candles on my dresser when a thought popped in my head I bit my lip as the words rolled out of my mouth " Edward what's a witch twin? And why does his name sound so good when I think about it?" He looked up from my book he was reading and chuckled "For one that's because he's your mate, weather you like it or not, anything about him is going to draw you in." I looked at him with an are you serious face as he laughed at me. " For two he has a twin named Jane there known as the witch twins the two most favored guards of the volturi kings. In all honesty they both creep me out." Bella punched him in his side which made him laugh a bit. I shook my head as I proceeded to unpack the rest of my items. "Is there any way I could reject this so called mate bond?" Edwards head perked up a bit at my question. "Well maybe a human might be able to reject it Im not sure how though. I do know that vampires cannot reject it because we feel things 10000x stronger when we meet our mate. The power mates have over each other is otherworldly. If one mate were to die the other would either get revenge or simply go crazy to the point they kill themselves. We need to make sure Alec never lays his eyes on you because if he did he would never give up to find you no matter how far you ran or tried to hide he will find you." I tensed up at his words "I really don't want to be a vampire....the thought just doesn't sit in my stomach well no offense...I kinda just want to go back to my normal life and forget about all these things.... I really can't wait to graduate with Bella and go off to college and start a family by the ocean and live happily ever after and forget about all this supernatural bs." I laughed a little to ease the tension if there were any. Edward and Bella just smiled at me.

Charlie finally got home from work and brought us home spaghetti from a local Italian restaurant. As I went down the stairs to greet him with a hug " You haven't grown an inch since I saw you! Your turning into a nice young lady just like my sister. Talking about her she's been blowing up my phone asking me about you saying that you haven't called her or texted her once since yesterday." The air hitched in my throat I haven't checked my phone since we were at the airport I've kinda been avoiding it because I didn't know how to confront Amelia. " Don't worry she knows your at home safe with Bells and I but make sure to call her up when you get the chance." He gave me a smile as Bella came down the stairs to join us for dinner.

After dinner I had went up to my room to grab a clean hoodie and a pair of pajama pants and went straight to the bathroom to take a shower. I was brushing my long wet hair in my vanity mirror when I started to feel weight on my eyelids I sat up to turn the lights off and lay on my big fluffy bed as my body sunk into it. I stared out the window that was across from me and saw the moonlight shinning into my room. I started to cry and let everything out I was grieving my friends and my dad the pain hurt as it welled up in my chest. I knew the future I wanted so bad would never come true I was never going to go to college and start a family and live by the ocean I just had this feeling in my heart that it was way out of my reach.So I cried and let it out so I could move on to my new life that I was never ready for the one where vampires were involved. My eyes were getting heavier as I stared at the moon through my window and I slowly drifted off to sleep.

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