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soft yellow lights and a slow, steady stream of music filled the restaurant, warm ambiance that would've been romantic if you weren't alone.

couples filed in and out of the restaurant, bitter resentment towards the happy strangers filling your throat. one of the air conditioning units sent cold air blasting right above you, making you shiver. you'd forgotten a jacket in your rush out the door.

the meal in front of you went cold and the staff were starting to give you looks. pity mixed with frustration, you thought, so you asked for a to-go box and left.

don't be the first one to show up to a date, even if you're "late."

the words from your friend, who had much more dating experience than you, rang through your mind. you wished you'd listened as your arms crossed in an attempt to shield yourself from the cold night breeze.

you would admit that you were distracted on the walk back to your apartment, thoughts about the night and the boy who failed to show up occupying your thoughts, rendering you unaware of your surroundings as you walked by an empty alleyway.

"what're you doing out all alone?"

you jumped out of your skin at the voice, stifling a scream as you turned and met the upside-down face mask of spider-man.

you placed a hand over a chest as you breathed a sigh of relief at the familiar figure, hanging from a web in a signature pose. you wondered how he didn't get dizzy from being upside down all the time.

the masked hero finally let himself down, dropping to the ground with a comfortable thud. he leaned against the alley wall and crossed his arms expectantly. you briefly wondered if he shared the same level of concern with everyone; although seeing the videos of him online, he probably did.

"you should be more careful walking around by yourself this late at night." the hero advised, spider-like eyes squinting at you in a way that made you feel childishly reprimanded.

you nodded politely, now recovered from the surprise his appearance had invoked.

"sorry... sir?" it came out like a question, realizing you didn't know anything about the man in front of you.

"sir? i'm not that old," the hero said in mock-offense, scoffing a little before laughing good-naturedly.

"well, how old are you?" you inquired with a smile, hoping to get a little more information about the mystery man who made a habit of saving new york.

"can't tell you that," the hero replied with a small shake of his head.

you frowned in disappointment, as if you hadn't expected the answer.

"can you tell me anything about yourself?"

spider-man hummed in thought for a second before finally nodding.

"i'm a great listener. you look like you need that right now."

your body went a little stiff. you wondered if that mask of his had the power to read emotions.

you let out a little chuckle, leaning against the alley wall opposite the hero. the alley was tight, and you were close enough that you could reach out and touch him if you wanted to.

"got stood up," you said dryly, hoping your tone didn't reveal your hurt.

spider-man's body went rigid, just for a second. he did his best to control his voice as he spoke.

"someone like you got stood up?"

you let out a light laugh.

"the worst part is i still really like him," you said.

Scrapes and Bruises [Ethan Landry x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now