first day and First Victim to Face the true power

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(might have changed some things.)

(next day 3 rd pov)

We open up and see the new dorm room of team DAFT we see that D has a tank top and sleep shorts and A.T has the same only difference is he is face up H is next with a shirt that is too big covers up to her knees and F has the same but also her hair is in her face and then an alarm rings.

Alarm: beep beep beep beep be-

It stopped because a shot hit it and a gun was seen in front of the alarm as the arm went back inside the blanket.

A.T: D why did you shoot the alarm clock?

D: too loud and come on we have got to get ready.

H: ugh I don't want to see any of them.

F: pfft yeah man but we can defend ourselves it's not like it's that hard pfft.

D: hang on here is a hair clip so you don't have to worry about your hair in your face.

F: thanks.

She moved her hair a different way so that she could see and also they all got ready as D and A.T got their clothes from their bags and changed into their casual clothes H and F went into the bathroom to do the same and also brush their teeth when they were all dressed they all brushed their teeth together and went out to their other sibling's dorms.

D: so who is the first team that we are going to wake up?

A.T: well J's team is close by so why not start there?

F: well then come let's go.

As they went to their sibling's and cousins' dorm they saw that they were all ready and when they left they went to go and see team AKSS.

J: so how was waking up like?

H: D shot our alarm clock.

Leslie: again isn't that like the fourteenth this month?

D: yerp and I don't regret it.

Connie: why are you like that?

D: Wolf ears sorta make it one of the reasons.

L: well at least you can fall asleep early it takes me a whole hour just to fall asleep.

A.T: owl side.

L: yep.

D: yo we are here.

They all turned and saw that they reached their other sibling's dorm we were about to open it when the door opened itself and they popped out their siblings already.

A: not today dip ass.

D: you don't even know what I was gonna do.

K: you were probably going to yell into our room and run fast.

D: maybe.

R: dude seriously why are you like that?

D: meh kinda funny when you all react.

Connie: I tried one time earned me a shot in the legs.

X: you tried to wake up a kid who slept through an earthquake what did you expect.

Connie: some sort of reaction at least.

J: shut up and let's go to the next team.

They all went to another where they were met with team CEIK and they opened the door to see them still asleep so they all covered their ears knowing what would happen D got his guitar and placed an amp their and placed it in their room and also closed the door and played it and the inside of the room shook and there we're thuds coming from the room.

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