chapter three

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I awoke in my bed, with Sasha sitting next to it.

The memories from that night we're still fuzzy as she placed a cool rag against my forehead.

"Morning sleeping beauty..." She whispered with a smile as I groaned, sitting up in bed. My whole body ached like I had done full body workouts all night.

"Sasha?" I began with a yawn as the rag fell from my forehead.

"Hey y/n I'm so glad you're ok... I heard you fell out of the old mansion.. you're lucky Connie was there to catch you..." She lectured as I grabbed my phone. It was already almost nighttime the next day. I let out a sigh as I scrolled through each message from the club members asking if I was ok, and one saying I was acceoted into the club. I should have been excited right? But I was just so pissed at myself for sleeping for so long..

Wait. I was asleep?

"What happened to me?" I asked, placing a hand against my forehead. My head didn't feel warm, but I was definitely rested.

"We're not sure what happened up there. You looked out of the hole in the wall, down to Connie and his friends before loosing your grip and falling. The shock must have been to much because you passed out and didn't wake up untill just now..." She sighed, looking down at her hands which were perfectly folded against the top of my mattress.

That creepy man who bit my neck... He must have had something to do with this!
I must have stumbled across some sort of a deal going on... Or a seance...

But why would he throw me out of a window?
I looked at Sasha's worried face, knowing that if I said anything about this she would freak out even more.

"I was worried about you. Seriously worried about you... As soon as Connie called me I rushed over there with Niccolo." She whispered.

I bit my lip, swinging my legs out of bed and walking towards the add on bathroom in my room.

When I got there, I looked at my reflection. The dark circles under my eyes were gone, and even my skin looked better. I tried to fix my messy hair as Sasha appeared behind me.

"You also kept going on about something weird while you slept.."

"Like what? You know I sleep talk." I responded and splashed some water against my face. I hated that I slept in a while day, and wanted to at least freshen up before going to the gym to work out.

"You.. mentioned vampires.. you were crying... Begging them not to eat you."

"Why  aren't you dead?"

My heartbeat pounded in my ears, making me feel dizzy as I gripped the counter top.

"What?" I asked.

"I said you were begging imaginary vampires not to eat you.. I think you've been watching to much vampire flicks..."

There's no way he was a vampire.. he was probably some emo kid who was talking to the ghosts in the walls...

My neck stung with rememberance of his canines buying through the flesh. But when I looked in the mirror I didn't see a single mark.

"Y/n? Are you gonna be ok on your own? I have a date tonight and Ymir is off with historia.." Sasha asked as I rubbed my finger across the spot where the bite mark should have been. 

To be honest I wasn't sure if I would be ok on my own. If I really did fall out of the window, or if that crazy man pushed me, I was worried about myself. And why they didn't take me straight to a hospital.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2023 ⏰

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