Chapter 4: I Know Why You're Here ~ pt. 1

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In room number 9 at the House of Stelenis, Abrizhen sat on a cushion at the low table, sipping a small cup of dark, rich coffee and tapping his fingers nervously on the tabletop.

In his mind, he ran through various scenarios of how he might behave, of what he might say when Tamyn arrived.

Passionate embrace?

What if Tamyn had decided that the events of their last meeting had been a moment of poor judgment?

Abrizhen knew that he had overstepped several times during that encounter, been perhaps a bit too enthusiastic. He had practically proposed marriage when they hadn't even seen each other in eight years.

But so many things had seemed to fall right back into place, as if none of that time had passed at all. Still, he cringed at some of the things he had said.

Perhaps he should just play cool and let Tamyn make any first moves. Yes, let Tamyn say what he wants, and Abrizhen would do his utmost to comply.

He took another sip of coffee and swallowed too much at once.

As the hot liquid formed a burning knot in his throat and he began to cough, there was a disturbance in the air and Tamyn appeared, his arms linked with two unexpected persons.

Abrizhen jumped up in surprise.

"Kitzi!" he cried out.

He threw himself toward Kazia, but his path was instantly blocked by an intricately carved ebony cane. He glanced at the cane's owner and stumbled backward a step to stand looking at the floor in a humble posture.

"Mistress Thanelin," he mumbled nervously, glancing again at her, then quickly at Tamyn and Kazia, who both regarded him with a cold reservation, before returning his gaze to the floor.

"Lord Devratha," Amelys said sternly, "it has been quite some time."

"Yes," he agreed quietly.

Amelys stared at him intently for a long moment.

"You look tired," she said finally.

"Yes," he whispered.

Amelys looked around to all present.

"We all look tired," she said.

"Why don't we all have a seat?" Tamyn suggested, extending a hand toward the table.

He turned the chair at the nearby desk around to face the table and as Amelys settled herself into it, everyone else took seats on the floor cushions.

Abrizhen suddenly reached across the corner of the table to grasp both of Kazia's hands in his.

She gasped and tried to pull away, but he held her firmly.

"No, I know why you're here," he told her hurriedly, squeezing her hands together. "You get the strongest connection this way, don't you? Ask me anything. I won't lie to you."

Kazia studied his face for a moment, then nodded and turned her hands to reciprocate his grasp. Tears began to form in her eyes.

"Are you alright?" she said, her voice trembling slightly.

"You're asking me that?" he said. "Kazia, when I thought you were -"

"What is your relationship to Yilina Vysda?" Amelys interrupted.

Abrizhen looked up at her in confusion.

"She's just an Alchemist who works for Father," he replied. "Has she done some-"

"Is she your fiancee?" Amelys asked.

Tamyn shot Abrizhen a sharp glance, but Abrizhen only laughed quietly.

Salvage ~ V2: Trial and Error (Steampunk/ Gaslamp Romantasy ~ FxM, MxM)Where stories live. Discover now