Chapter 24: Where Should I Begin?

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In the early afternoon, Kelvaran received an unexpected visit from Tamyn.

Kelvaran didn't dislike Tamyn, but lately he'd felt increasingly tense around him for some reason he couldn't quite put a finger on.

But, Master Ilianus was his senior, and a Master Alchemist of the Queen, so Kelvaran must show him due respect. He restrained his irritation and invited Tamyn to a seat in his office.

"How may I help, Master Ilianus?" he politely inquired.

Tamyn hemmed and fidgeted in his seat a bit before beginning.

"About what happened last night..." he said hesitantly.

Kelvaran's face heated with embarrassment at the memory of last night's events. That shame had been plaguing him all day and now his hackles rose as he braced for what he assumed would be a scolding, but Tamyn raised his hands in a reassuring concession.

"The details are none of my business, I agree," he said hastily. "Kazia did explain somewhat, but I believe that she left much unsaid - as she should."

Kelvaran relaxed a bit at that. Tamyn seemed far more nervous than belligerent. Remembering other recent interactions with Kazia, though, Kelvaran became pensive.

"Is Lady Devratha terribly upset with me?" he asked. "Did she send you... I should be keeping my distance from her, if that's why you've come."

"She's fine," Tamyn assured him, "and not upset with you. I only wanted to speak with you... as Kazia's supervisor, I do feel a bit of responsibility for her well-being. She's an adult, of course, and will make her own decisions, but I have promised certain people that I would look after her. I wonder if you might accept a bit of advice, unsolicited though it might be?"

Kelvaran eyed him skeptically, but suddenly noticed how tired Tamyn looked, how red his eyes were, and how he held his jaws tightly to control a tremor in his lips.

"I'll listen," Kelvaran said with a frown.

"Lord Meratha, Kazia will require an abundance of patience from you," Tamyn said kindly, "and I would give her the same advice, regarding you. Having never been in a relationship with a woman myself, I can't speak generally on women in these situations, only what I know of Kazia herself."

Kelvaran's eyebrows lifted slightly, and Tamyn continued with a smile.

"Besides having patience, you should not keep secrets from her. Include her in your decisions, especially if they affect her.

"You must be aware now of some of the difficulties she has faced, and you have faced many difficulties of your own. You both have made a habit of keeping to yourselves, and now you must learn to allow another person to get close.

"Under the best of circumstances, relationships do not magically fall into place, happily ever after. They require much effort on the part of both parties to make them work."

Kelvaran's brow furrowed, still mistrustful. "You said... if you've never been in a relationship, then how..."

"I said not with a woman," Tamyn replied in a meaningful but good-humored tone.

"I don't foll... oh!," Kelvaran said, suddenly flustered. "Oh... I see."

"You wouldn't think ill of me for that, would you Lord Meratha?"

"No!" Kelvaran replied defensively, then added with the utmost sincerity, "No, of course not."

He became deeply thoughtful for a long moment before quietly saying, "Recently, I've begun to understand that for most of my life I've been... unduly self-absorbed, perhaps not quite the keen observer of my fellow humans that I may have thought myself to be."

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