Only Chapter

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"Wosh!" the TV was almost on the loudest setting as I was watching my favorite show Doctor Who. The sound quality was amazing and so was the picture. I felt as if I could reach into the screen and grab The Doctor's outstretched hand. I thought to myself Why not try, it could work this time. I got up from couch and reached for the screen. As I touched the screen my hand went through. "Carter!!!" my mother yelled loudly and I quickly looked toward the sound. "Come on Carter hurry up, or else you won't make it!" I heard from the screen, I saw it was The Doctor. He looked at me expectantly while standing inside the TARDIS.
"Carter!!!!!" my mother yelled getting closer, I still had my hand in the TV. I stuck my other hand in the screen and The Doctor pulled me through. In the TARDIS I went, bright colors flashing around me. "You okay Carter?" The 10th Doctor said looking at me as I lay on the floor. "Woah!" I exclaimed as I attempted to stand up and fell back on the floor. "You made it through! Ha! I never thought this would work but here you are!" The Doctor was exclaiming excitedly.
"So thats what you've been working on!" Rose Tyler said laughing a poking the TV screen. "I've just created a machine that can transport people through dimensions without the use of the TARDIS!" The Doctor was saying while Rose was helping me up. "What time are we traveling to?" I said weakly. "To World War II!" Rose said with a large smile. I smiled back but in truth I was so scared, I would jump back into my dimension.
When we got there we were in an American flight station. The Doctor gave me a pilot's suit, I put it on quickly and jumped out of the TARDIS after Rose and The Doctor. The people around us were looking everywhere for something. "Where did that pilot go!" a general was yelling through the commotion. He looked over at me and said "Hey! You there! You, the little pilot we need you to sub in!" I must have looked terrified because the Doctor was laughing at me.
The general put The Doctor, Rose and me into the plane and told us to bomb Hiroshima. My jaw dropped, I learned about this day in my history class. The Doctor started the plane and we took off, I was still standing dumbstruck. As we flew over the ocean, The Doctor began to talk, "There are some Daleks in England terrorizing poor citizens, I brought Carter here because of her brain, so how do we stop them?" I couldn't think for a moment, lost for words and still shocked from the sudden change in mood. Then it hit me! "We are in a bomber jet." they nodded following along with my thoughts. "We could bomb the street." The Doctor disagreed with me. Then I realized the fault in my plan, so I came up with a new one.
"Well then, how about we lure the Daleks to a remote area far, far away from civilization. We can use The Doctor for bait, after all they do want to kill you since you find ways to destroy the and you're the last time lord. So, after they are away, we crash the plane into them to make it look like a mistake. While the plane is going down we can jump into the TARDIS and run away!" I said this happily. They look at me for a while when suddenly a smile spread across The Doctor's face. "That's brilliant!" he yelled with glee then, he said "How am I supposed to lure them?"
"Best. Idea. Ever." Rose said with a giant smile bolted to her face. We tied The Doctor to a rope and hung him out the bottom of the jet. Racing over the Daleks he screamed at them and they raced after him. We were 20 miles and 5896 feet away from civilization when we pulled The Doctor up. I ran over to the wheel and made the jet start to go nose first into the ground. Once the plane was on that track I ran to the TARDIS and jumped in.
The TARDIS was off to 2015 England. The Doctor was well enough to program the TARDIS to that time. When we stepped out of the phone booth we were all surprised, the streets were full of Nazis. We messed up history. The world was now run by Germans, it had happened.
Rose, The Doctor and I ran into the TARDIS as fast as we could. We went back to WWII and were prepared to fix history. When we got there, we dressed up as a normal family and looked for old me. The old us were walking around and the general was just yelling at me. I ran over to her and said "Carter! I'm so glad to see your not hurt!" "Don't ever run away like that!" Rose said as she jumped into the conversation. "Who are you?" the general asked. "Well.... I'm her twin sister." I said this quickly and in panic. "How old are you?" the general asked old me and the real me. Old me was about to answer when I said "14, we are both 14." The general got very angry at old me and sent her with me.
"Who are you really?" old me asked once we got outside the building. "Don't you see Carter! It's us from the future!" The old Doctor said while hinting urgency. They figured out that something had gone wrong and we came to get them not to do it. We explained the rest, like the whole idea that had gone wrong.
Once that was done we each jumped into our separate TARDIS's and flew off. "Carter it was an honor to go on an adventure with you. Remember to keep your senses sharp and keep training the wonderful brain of yours." With that he turned on the TV. "Thank you for taking me on a wonderful adventure." I said smiling at Rose and nodding a thanks.
I jumped into the TV and was slung at the wall in my television room.
"Ouch!" I exclaimed when I heard my mother yell my name I turned around. She was standing right next to me. She asked me where I'd been and I made up an excuse. She told me to go downstairs and eat dinner.
So that's the end of this story, but not the end of my adventures with The Doctor and Rose Tyler.

(A/N: Hello, I literally don't have anything to say, so just like if you like this and if you like fluffy kittens. I will get the 3rd chapter of Ouran High's School Brit out soon, don't know when but soon. Yay! Bye!)

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2015 ⏰

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