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 In a forest, somewhere forgotten, lost in time. A place like any other where things breathe, where things live. A creature like you and I rests. Waiting, watching, wondering. Clouds soft but amass like a city of castles, white like snow rolling overhead. Far above the canopies with the birds and the leaves carried by late summer's breeze. If you listen closely and were knowledgeable enough, you would realise the sound of the air making its way through the roots and branches of trees came not from the world, but from a dragon whose three pairs of beetle-like wings were politely tucked flat against its back. Its face: coarse jagged wood. Moss creeps on its forehead, thriving off the lights that dance above its brow. It slumbers peacefully, undisturbed, unlike its friend.

The being, the dragon's friend, stands somewhere in the forest not too far, not too close. Encased in mossed bark and a solid trunk of ironwood. A dagger tucked on the creature's side, hidden deep in the wood. It waits but it does not know what for. It watches through the roots dug into the earth. And it wonders, wonders of nothing and everything all at once. Of when the world would stop turning and when its friends would come to visit. When the sun would stop kneeling for the moon. And when the dagger on its side would stop weighing the weight of a thousand memories. The tree, if you would like to call it that, had much wisdom. It did! But what good is that wisdom lest it has no one to share it with. Now it has to remember everyone it has ever loved for longer than it has ever known any of them.

It could be mistaken for a tree, this creature, easily forgotten too, if you weren't the type to stop and stare, to breathe in your surroundings. The two were, after all, in a forest, somewhere to be found, remembered solely by time. A place unlike any other where things pass.

 A place unlike any other where things pass

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