Chapter 4

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When Koda woke the next morning she found herself on the ground. It was cold and hard. Yet the woman found that her blanket was wrapped around her. This was the eighth time she'd woken on the floor over the past two weeks at the new base.

Koda sat up with a groan, "Why..."

The woman pulled herself to her feet and made her bed before changing. She then grabbed some cereal and made her way out into the main area of the base.

"Mornin'," Koda said to Ratchet and Optimus. They were both the only ones awake when Koda emerged from her room each morning. The two mechs had gotten used to her deeper morning voice. It'd scared the scrap out of them the first time they heard it...

"Recharge well?" Ratchet asked as he glanced away from his monitor for a moment.

"So-so. I keep waking up on the floor," Koda replied. She'd gotten used to the Cybertronian terms fairly quickly and had even begun to use them herself, "Do you guys ever do that? Just fall off your berth without knowing it?"

Optimus and Ratchet shared a quick look of confusion.

This caused Koda to sigh, "Forget it. Any sign of Decepticon activity?"

"Nothing as of yet. But we will alert you when a signal comes," The Autobot leader reassured the young woman.

"I'll be in my room if you need me," Koda told them as she began walking down the hall to her room. A sigh escaped her. She'd been grounded for the past two weeks. Why? She didn't know. That was frustrating her to the brink of insanity. Koda was mumbling to herself as she walked down the hall, "Prime's saw me in action. I can take on the best of them! But he must think I'm just a twig to the Cons'. They get injured day in and day out, but they won't let me help! I've asked plenty of times, but it's always no."

As the woman walked into her room she closed the door behind her. Her gaze was brought to her Jaeger, "This...this isn't what I wanted for you Gipsy..." Koda said quietly.

As the day dragged on, nothing much happened. Koda had just been reading books. Inside the helm of Gipsy. It was one of the places where she found comfort. She didn't feel like she was fully welcomed in her room

As Koda was about to turn another page of her book, the much bigger door to her room opened quickly.

"Koda, the others require your backup!" Ratchet said quickly and nervously.

"I'll be ready, two minutes," Koda told the medic from inside the helm. She grabbed her suit and slid it on. Since Raf probably wasn't here yet Koda was to start Gipsy up alone. She'd done it many times before, so it was an easy task.

Ratchet had seen Koda suit up and get in place to where she operated her Jaeger. Though intrigued, the medic made his way back to the main area to keep in touch with the Autobots on the other side of the ground bridge. The three kids were there, rather nervous. Another com-link lit up on the screen.

"Koda to Ratchet, mind starting up the bridge?" Kodas voice rang out in the room for a short moment.

As the medic opened the ground bridge to the Autobots location everyone heard thundering steps. Now Ratchet hadn't yet seen Koda in the Jaeger while it was powered up. To say he was shocked was an understatement. The 50ft Jaeger came running through the main area. It looked at the kids.

"Raf, I'll need you to keep an eye on things for me. Bill should've already shown you the ropes. You've got this kiddo," Koda said through the com-link before running through the ground bridge.

"Woah..." Miko was speechless. As was Jack.

But Raf had made his way over to the computers and had Kodas status and vitals on the screen, while Ratchet monitored the others. The young boy was recalling what Bill had taught him the first time he met Koda.

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