Chapter 8

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ITS BACK IN RISE OF THE BEASTS 😭 🥹 I'm not crying at all. It's fine. I'm just excited lol. But that movie is already 1000 times better! AND ITS ALREADY GREAT!!

Sorry....I'll let you read the story lol

"Aye! How are you expecting me to weld this together when you keep moving huh?"

"How do you expect me to keep still when this annoying music plays?"

"Come on Ratch, these are the classics!" Koda stated as she began singing to the music that was playing.

The two had been working on repairing Gipsy Danger. They were nearly finished reattaching the Jaegers arm. Though a few weeks had passed, Koda had only just regained all her strength.

Ratchet rolled his optics, but smirked as he saw Koda dancing to the music.

Then she stopped and grabbed her phone, "Here...I think you'll like this one. Behold....oh you're gonna love this!"

The medic was very confused as the song started. He chuckled as Koda started singing it. But she went back to work welding and connecting the wires of her Jaeger.

Without realizing it the medic had begun tapping his pede to the song and doing a small shimmy. (you know the dad dance shimmy? That one. I've also taken on that dance since I can't actually dance lol)

"I knew you'd like this one! Bob Seger is a classic back at the military base." Koda chuckled as she saw Ratchet, somewhat dancing. It was more of a shimmy than anything. But it was that dad dance kind of shimmy.

"Not a word to anyone," Ratchet pointed a digit at the woman. She smirked before nodding and returned to her work.

Together the two fixed up Gipsy Danger. It took around five hours in total. But when they were finished the Jaeger looked like nothing had even happened to it.

"Would you ever consider having it upgraded?" Ratchet asked as Koda sat on his shoulder.

The woman shook her head, "No. Though if I ever did, it would be because Gipsy was broken down to pretty much scrap. Sure some upgrades would be nice, but I want to keep her as original as possible."

"That's understandable. Your Jaeger has been with you for a long time, and there's many memories tied to it."

Koda chuckled but the medic knew it was forced, "You have no idea...Most of them were good of course. But others, I would rather not say..."

Ratchet nodded. He had a lot on his mind about Koda. While her random spurts of energy and craziness were nice to see, there was another part of it that made the medics Spark break. The young woman never had a real childhood. While the mech knew those who had cared for her tried to let her live a real life...It never truly worked.

Now she had random spurts of joy, or acting like a kid. But it would always follow with a depressive state. Though no one really knew about it except for the bots. The three guardians didn't know how bad it could really get, whereas Optimus and Ratchet knew otherwise.

"You alright kid?" Ratchet asked as he set her down onto the human platform.

She looked up at the medic and nodded, "Doing fine Ratch. Thanks for helping me with Gipsy Danger."

Before the medic could utter another word Koda walked over to where the kids were sitting. The three younger humans all looked over as she approached. Each one said a greeting. Koda said a 'hello' back before sitting down on the couch.

Raf glanced at her for a short moment, causing him to spin out in the game they were playing.

"She does a rather good job at hiding it," Ratchet mumbled to himself as he walked over to his monitor. The medic began looking for any Decepticon activity and Energon signatures.

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