I'm startled at the question and she looks at me worriedly, probably thinking I lost brain cells from being out for so long.

"Can you say that again?" I ask.

"What is this, jeopardy?" She jokes. "Don't worry about Alec listening, I can make them leave if you'd feel more comfortable. I'm firm in patient confidentiality."

"He can hear us?" I ask quizzically.

She gives me a genuine smile. "Yes dear, wolves are not only gifted with strength." I stare at her and she creases brow. "He hasn't told you much of anything has he?"

I hear a growl on the opposite side of the door, which causes the doctor to roll her eyes again.

"He's always been stubborn, that boy. My name is Dr. Maya and I guess I'm not only a doctor today." She laughs. "It's so unusual to have to explain this to someone who isn't of our world."

"Can you guys, like read minds to?" What if Alec knows what I'm thinking? That would make sense as to how he knew I was in so much pain.

"I wish." Dr. Maya laughs. "We have strength, can turn into wolves, can hear and see well, but reading minds is not on that list. We can however, share thoughts with those in the pack, like phoning someone without the phone."

"How did Alec know I was in pain? I didn't call out for him or anything." I ask.

"He really hasn't explained much has he? The mate bond allows for mated pairs to feel each others emotions. I'm guessing your pain alerted his wolf and that's how he knew what you were feeling."

"Why can't I feel what he's feeling then?" Could this mean I wasn't actually his mate, or maybe we were defected.

"Have you tried? I'm sure Alec understands how to feel for you, he's been waiting his whole life to meet his mate. You, however, have known about wolves for what, a couple of months? We teach our children the importance of mates and what it will be like when you first meet them. For you, it'll come, you just have to search for it." Dr. Maya toys with her stethoscope.

"But if you can hear well, why did you use that on me?" I point to the light pink stethoscope hanging around her neck.

"If I checked your heart rate randomly and said you had a good strong heart, that would freak you out now wouldn't it?"

"Yeah I guess you're right." I look down embarrassed for asking.

"While we're here, I would like to draw some blood and run some a couple of tests if that's alright with you?"

I nod in approval and she begins to prep her station to draw blood.

"Can I ask you about the bonding thing?" While I have her I might as well get as much information as I can.

"The bond, yes?" She pulls a chair and table over and sits back to give me her full undivided attention.

"Is there any way that this could be wrong? You said it yourself it's weird for a human to be someone's mate, is there any way that this could be a big misunderstanding?"

"Hmm, it's not something that's heard of. You bear a mark correct?"

I forgot about the mark.

"After the bonding ceremony, I'm sure you'll feel closer to Alec." My brow scrunches together in confusion.

"Ceremony?" I ask.

"This child, I'll have to tell his mother about this later. The ceremony is a way to complete the bond, first you both accept each other as mates. Then, mates have a ceremony, much like a human has a wedding. Then the mates will go into a separate room to finish the ceremony privately."

"And what happens then?" I'm almost scared to ask.

"I'll leave that part for your mate to explain." She laughs and continues on with prepping her station.

She pulls out the needle and heart beat picks up. I've always hated needles and though I'm trying to be strong, independent woman, maybe today I can be a little scared.

The doorknob jiggles. "What's going on in there." I hear Alec's voice on the other side of the door.

Dr. Maya sighs. "We're fine Alpha, just a bit leery of needles."

"Needles, why are needles being used? Let me in." He used a different voice at the end, which forces her to move to the door and involuntarily open the door.

A worried Alec walks in and surveys the room before walking to the opposite side of Dr. Maya. He meets her eyes before taking a seat.

"You okay?" Alec asks. I wish I could say that this didn't affect me, that I didn't care whether or not he cared about me, but I'd be lying.

"I just don't like needles." I say shyly.

"You two kill me, I can't wait for your mother to meet her." Dr. Maya laughs.

Alec pauses for a second before clearing his throat.

"Alpha, you have told your mother you've found your mate, right?" She asks incredulously.

"I was giving Hadley and I enough time to become more...acquainted before they met." Alec looks nervously around the room.

"I've never seen you act like this, you really are smitten. The big bad wolf has been whipped." Dr. Maya jokes.

It's Alec's turn to roll his eyes. "Mom has rubbed off on you."

"We've been best friends since before we could walk, I'd like to think I rubbed off on her." She wraps a band around my arm and makes me hold a stress ball to squeeze.

Their playful banter made it seem like the two were close. Knowing Alec's mom was a lot like Dr. Maya soothed some of my nerves after hearing I was going to meet her soon.

I shut my eyes and brace myself for the pain of the needle. Alec grabs my hand, which makes them snap open to see him staring at me worriedly. As I meet his gaze, a warm smile spreads across his face.

Under normal circumstances, I'd pull my hand away and probably slap him. But a giant needle was fixing to be injected into my arm and I couldn't pass up the comfort his touch provided.

"I see Maya filled you in on the bonding ceremony." Alec mentions.

"Yes, which you failed to tell me." Dr. Maya snorts at my reply but tries to pass it off as a cough.

"You never asked, I mean you did ignore me for a month straight if I'm remembering correctly." He smirks. "That is, until your heat started and you just couldn't resist me."

"You're such an asshole, I hope you know that." I snap back.

"Done!" Dr. Maya interjects.

I look down to see a pink bandaid over the place she took my blood.

"Guess I'm so irresistible, you couldn't even feel anything. That's sweet." I rip my hand from his and turn to my side. I let out a fake yawn. "I'm pretty tired, I think I need a nap."

"Sure thing kiddo, I'll be back later to take the tube out." I quickly set up.

"Will it hurt?" I ask nervously.

"No dear, I'll make sure you don't feel a thing." She gives my hand a comforting squeeze before leaving the room.

Alec pushes his seat back and kicks his feet up on the edge of the bed.

"I said I needed a nap."

"Yeah, I'm pretty tired too." He winks at me.


Yayay another chapter done.

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