I started off my days alone and ended them alone. If anyone tried starting a conversation I either ignored them or let out some kinda grunt to acknowledge their presence.

I couldn't do anything to shake the feeling of rejection. The third day of isolation had set Alec off, I knew he would throw some sort of fit soon, but thought the Alpha would last at least a week.

I sat in my room, watching Vampire Diaries, sipping on my Dr Pepper when the crashing sound of my door slammed me back into reality.

"Get out." I scowled at Alec. "And fix my door."

I knew I was poking the proverbial bear, his eyes were black and his breaths were jagged.

"You've been ignoring me for days. DAYS." His voice shook the house. An overwhelming since of power cascaded around my body.

"Yes Captain Obvious, do you need a gold star?" I retort.

"Look at me." He bellowed, the beast inside of him itching to come out. I ignored his request and unpaused the TV. "LOOK AT ME."

I threw the remote on the bed and jumped up. "You DO NOT use that tone with me, Alpha or not, no one, and I mean no one, will tell me what to do. You have no authority over me you fluffy asshole."

Alec took a menacing step to me. "What did you say?"

"Do I really need to repeat myself." I snorted. "You're not welcome here, so just do us all a favor and tuck tail and leave."

"Why. Why are you pushing me away?" His voice was back to normal, but his eyes stayed black, piercing whatever was left of my soul.

"For you to be this big bad alpha, you sure are dumb you know that?" I sat back on the bed reaching for the remote.

"No. I'm not done yet." In a flash the remote was snatched away and thrown against the wall. "Answer me."

"I already told you, 2+2=4, but apparently you can't do math. And guess what, I'm not available for tutoring." I let my back set against the headboard, wrapping my arms around my body to give myself some sort of support. I was not going to let him scare me.

"I'm actually great at math, but your shit is just not adding up." He walks around my side of the bed and looks down at me. I refuse to even look at him so I stare at the frozen TV. "Just, take the fucking wall down so I can try and fix whatever it is you think I've done."

"Think? THINK? You know what here," I feel the cold steel wall in my mind and send it crumbling down. "You go ahead and feel what I'm feeling, because you've made me feel like shit and now you can too."

My emotions are like waves crashing into him, one after another. Pain. Fear. And oh there it is, regret are etched on his face.

"Why?" His voice breaks. "Why do you feel like this?"

Not sure how, but images of that night pop into my head and as if sending a text I push them to him hoping he can feel how he made ME feel that night.

Alec takes a step back.

"What did you just do?" He asks.

"I don't know what you mean." I roll my eyes at him.

"You just... You just pushed a memory into my head."

"I just wanted to show you how you made me feel." I stated the obvious.

"Luna." Alec's face twists in thought, then I feel almost something like an itch in my mind. A wave of panic swirls around me as images, his memories, from the same night I sent him barrel into my mind.

Love me, LunaWhere stories live. Discover now