Chapter 1 The wake up call

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A/N: The Wheatley designs belong to SandraGH on deviantart.

 Bright light was what met a brunette girl once she had stepped out of the dark. She blinked against the blinding blue sky and warm sunlight as she exited the metal shed located seemingly in the middle of nowhere. Surrounded by fields of wheat was where found herself, wandering aimlessly as the gravel crunched beneath the heels of her long fall boots. The outside was so much different than she remembered it being. It was warm and pleasant, with a soft breeze blowing by and brushing across her cheeks and through her hair.

It felt like forever since Chell had been free from the underground labyrinth of test chambers called Aperture Labs, and free from the grasp of the AI Supercomputer put in charge of the place as well. She glanced up towards the puffy white clouds, her normally stern expression no longer present and instead replaced by a look of peace. She watched them daintily float across the ocean of blue as she walked.

It didn't take her long to realize she was lost, not knowing where she should go. Despite being used to the feeling by now, Chell had always hated not feeling in control. She hated feeling lost and trapped like a caged bird. So why now did she still feel like a dog on a leash? She blinked, eyes shifting back towards the sky. Perhaps she would find her own way. She no longer needed a guide, after all. She never had one before.

Even so, as she continued to trudge away from the Labs, Chell had to force the thought of her friend out of her mind. He was gone now, and he wasn't coming back anytime soon. As it should be. Chell didn't need anyone when the only person she needed to rely on was herself, as it had been before.

That is why she was so surprised when the world began to spin.

She grew unexpectedly lightheaded, stumbling on her feet slightly, body swaying until her legs collapsed beneath her and the world went dark.


All was quiet in that moment.

Chell opened her eyes and stretched out her still partially asleep limbs, shifting the paper-thin bed sheets draped over her body as she did. The brunette groggily shifted into a sitting position and yawned. Her blue-grey eyes flitted around the room she had woken up in as a few of her conscious thoughts began to come back to her the more she woke up.

The room wasn't large, but it wasn't small either- maybe the size of a standard hotel room was the best way to describe it. There was a small table beside the twin-sized mattress she lay on that decorated with an alarm clock and an empty vase. Other than a small television mounted on the wall and a few scattered paintings the room was relatively empty.

Chell scrunched up her nose at the sterilized smell coming from all around her and got up to further investigate her situation. Her mind seemed blank at the moment, void of any memories as to how she got to the room she resided in.

That was what worried her.

It was odd, to say the least- how could she not remember anything other than her name at the moment? She continued to rummage through the room as she tried to dig up any form of memory, even a scrap or trace of a hint of where she possibly could be- that is until she paused after hearing a door creak open and a soft voice.

"Hello? Is anyone there?"


"Hello? Is anyone there?"

Another test subject called out nervously into the corridor. She had only awoken a few minutes ago but certainly wanted to know where she was. It was nerve wracking- waking up in a strange room with no memory of how they had gotten there. All she could remember was her name. (Y/N) (L/N).

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