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Perhaps a little weird considering she's half vampire, but she had yet to master turning into a bat long enough to stay in the air for more than a few minutes at a time. And even if she had mastered the ability, she had far too much stuff to be able to safely make the trip without drawing too much attention to herself and possibly getting shot out of the air and thus murdered.

She thought that might've been preferable over a plane ride, though.

It saved time over driving and got a person to their destination faster, yes, but if you ask her, the Wright Brothers are evil geniuses because why would they create something so brilliant with such heinous drawbacks that they didn't even consider in the long run. Maybe if they had, airplane food would taste better and there'd be a special section for children who threw tantrums at the smallest of things, along with some of the other disastrous cons of flying being solved sooner.

It'd been something she could deal with when she was younger while flying with her parents (because she'd been one of those kids too), but then she got older and she got her powers, and the kids on the flights kept getting younger and younger, and more aggravating, and now it was annoying; doubly so when she flew alone.

Like she'd just done.

Which was actually the first time.

She supposed the flight wasn't as bad as it could've been considering her parents splurged and bought out most of the first class seats so she could have some peace on the flight without being crowded and overwhelmed by the many different emotions of the passengers in coach. She appreciated the sentiment, it certainly made the flight easier, if only a little, but she could still feel every contradicting emotion through the curtain that separated the two areas whenever she got up to use the bathroom.

Not to mention, it was widely unnecessary, and the complete opposite of what Eleanor had wanted them to do when they bought the tickets.

She will admit that it was a good idea, granting her that solitude as it gave her time to prepare for the raging chaos of the airport terminal.

It was not enough preparation.

The terminal was buzzing and from the moment Eleanor stepped off the plane she'd been overcome with a swarm of emotions — annoyance, anger, exhaustion, relief, etc — attacking her from all sides; wrapping around her neck like a viper trying to squeeze the life from her lungs.

It took everything in her to not react, clenching her jaw and squeezing the strap of her backpack until her knuckles turned white as she maneuvered her way to the baggage claim area. She stared impassively at the conveyor belt as it went around, ignoring the people – the whispers of disgust (she's wearing blackout shades during the day, obviously people would be able to tell she's a vampire) – around her as she waited for her bags. As soon as they appeared on the belt, she snatched them up and weaved her way through the crowd before descending down the escalator to the pickup area.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2023 ⏰

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