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(the next day)
Alicia mom: Alicia/ Natalie wake up dinner is ready
Alicia/Natalie: yes mom
(Few minutes later)
Alicia/Natalie: good morning mom
Alicia mom: good morning dear's our was your night
Alicia: it was fine mom where is dad
Alicia mom: he is out is room he just had is food
Alicia: okay mom
( They all started eating)
Natalie pov
Natalie: mom
Alicia mom: yes love
Natalie: mom we are going to be having a summer trip out our school next week so I was hoping you would allow me attend
Alicia mom: of course dear
Natalie: thanks mom you the best and I was thinking why am going out you guys should also go on a vacation too
Alicia: wow that's sound good,what do you think mom
Alicia mom: I think is great so get ready next week we be leaving for vacation
Alicia/Natalie: cheers.
Alicia stepdad pov
Alicia stepdad: I just hope my family are not taking my condition seriously, I just want them to be happy ( Start crying)
I shouldn't cry, I should be strong for them too.

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