The Camp

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Dabi - remember were only here to get that annoying loud mouth blonde kid with the Explosion Quirk and no one else, got it.

Toga - but what if there's a cute boy or girl I like?

Dabi - this mission is under Shigaraki's orders so don't mess this up.

*the league see's all of class 1-A and 1-B students training*

Magne - look at all of these wanna be hero's!

Spinner - they have no idea whats coming their way.

*Dabi sets the forest on fire, and you recognize your brothers blue flames so you start running towards the bright blue flames to try and find your missing brother*

Yuki - TOYA ?!

*you hear Mandalay telepathically tell everyone that the league of villains is at the camp to kidnap Bakugou so you run out of the burning forest to find Bakugou so you can protect him*

Bakugou - what the hell are you losers doing here ?!

*you notice a purple colored portal appear so you create fire to block their vision and you push bakugou out of the way but someone grabs you by mistake and after they pull you into the portal you start to black out*

Shigaraki - you grabbed the wrong brat! Why can't you useless people do anything right.

Dabi - She blocked our vision and she must have pushed the blonde kid out of the way and I grabbed the first brat I saw! It's not my problem.

*Dabi and Shigaraki start arguing*

Toga - guys, guys look she's wakeing up!

*you start to wake up when you notice your hands are bound together*

Dabi - don't even try to use your Quirk, your hands are bound together so you can't attack us*

*you start to look up to see who's talking to you and once you make eye contact you recognize their ocean blue eyes*

Yuki - Toya?

*he doesn't say anything but his eyes widen when never hears the name toya escape your lips*

Shigaraki - UGH! You are the wrong brat we wanted but I guess you'll do.

Yuki - what do you mean?

Shigaraki - we want you to join the league of villains!

Yuki - why would I ever join your little gang?

Shigaraki - we can start by you telling us your name, So what's your name kid?

Yuki - it's Yuki Himura.

Dabi - Elli?!

*after you hear the villian dabi call you Elli you knew it was your lost brother Toya*

Toga - Dabi do you know this girl?

Dabi - yes, she's my younger sister

*Dabi walks over to you and takes off the chains around you and immediately huga you*

Dabi - I knew you were still alive little sister.

*you start crying and hug him tightly*

Yuki - I-I missed you so much big brother, everyone told me you were dead.

*Dabi starts stroking your hair to calm you down*

Dabi - Shhh, everything's going to be ok now.

*you start to fall asleep in Dabi's arms and he picks you up and takes you to his room and covers you up to let you sleep*

*Dabi goes into the living room with the others*

Dabi - if any of you wake her up or touch her I will make sure they never find your bodies.

*everyone gets scared*

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