Family Reunion part 1

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Dabi - So, how is everyone?

Yuki - Well Natsuo and Fuyumi are doing good, mom couldn't handle your "death" so she ended up burning shotos left side with boiling water because it reminded her to much of dad, so now she's in a mental hospital and dad is still the same peace of shit.

Dabi - Can you tell me more about Natsuo and Fuyumi please.

Yuki - Well Natsu is a college student and Fuyumi is an elementary school teacher.

Dabi - So Fuyumi finally fulfilled her dreams.

Yuki - Yeah!

Dabi - So how have you been Elli?

Yuki - I'm better sence I know your alive now.

Dabi - I've spent years thinking you were dead.

Yuki - Mom wanted me to fake my death because she was afraid of what dad would to to me so she sent me to live with grandma and grandpa.

Dabi - I'm just happy your alive.

*Dabi hugs you tightly*

Yuki - So would you say pushing Bakugou out of the way was a good idea?

Dabi - Well in this sinario yes I do.

Yuki - Big brother can I tell you something?

Dabi - Sure what is it?

Yuki - I want to join the league.

Dabi - Wait  really!

Yuki - Yes! I-I just got you back and I can't afford to lose you again toya!

Dabi - Oh my god, hell yeah! Come on we have to go tell Shigaraki the good news.

*you and Dabi rush to Shigaraki to tell him*

Dabi - TOMURA! TOMURA! guess who wants to join!

Shigaraki - Who?

Dabi - My little sis.

*dabi grabs you and pulls you close to him*

Shigaraki - Wait really ?!

Dabi - YES !!

Shigaraki - He'll yeah, she's in !

*dabi picks you up and starts swinging you around*

*you start laughing*

Yuki - Toya put me down !

Dabi - I'm so proud of you Elli !

*dabi puts you down*

Shigaraki - Toga get in here.

*toga walks in*

Toga - Yes shiggy !!!

Shigaraki - I need you to give our newest member a makeover.

Toga - YAY! come with me cutie.

*toga grabs your hand and takes you to a dressing room*

Toga - ok so is there anything specific you are looking for ?

Yuki - No I'll just let you pick out what you think will look good on me.

Toga - Really ! Wow no one ever let's me pick out their outfit.

*toga starts taking your measurements*

Toga - What if we do something similar to dabi ?

Yuki - That would be so cute.

*toga grabs materials for your costume*

Toga - Here try this on please !

*she hands you an outfit to try on*

Yuki - Thank you.

*your hands touch while you take the outfit and you go to the changing room*

Toga POV. - OMG OMG our hands touched!

Yuki POV. - OMG our hands touched.

*your face turns beat red*

*after you finish changing you come out of the dressing room to show the outfit to toga*

Yuki - So how do I look Toga-Chan?

Toga POV. - OMG she looks so pretty.

Toga - It sutes you really well Yuki-Chan.

Yuki - You really think so?

Toga - OFC I DO!!!

*you start blushing*

Toga - Lets go show the others Yuki-Chan!

Yuki - O-Ok

Toga - GUYS GUYS!! look at out newest member!

All - She looks like Dabi.

Yuki - W-What do you think Oni-Chan?

Dabi - I love it Elli, was it your idea?

Yuki - No, it was Toga-Chan's idea.

Dabi - Well she did a great job.

Toga - Aww, thanks Dabi!!

Dabi - Whatever Crazy

*you elbow dabi*

Yuki - Touya Todoroki be Nice

Shigaraki - TODOROKI?!?!

Dabi - *sigh* Yes my last name is Todoroki.

Kirogiri - So your the #1 heros old est son who was name dead years ago?

Yuki - Oops, sorry brother

Dabi - Yes thats me, dont worry about ou Elli.

Shigaraki - This Is great! We have 2 of the #1 heros children.

Yuki - You make it sound like you purposefully kidnapped us.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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