It Wasn't Suppose To End This Way

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I'm going to start a new thing called the QOTC (Question Of The Chapter) so look below for that!!

Brooklyn's POV:

"Thanks Jim! See you tomorrow!" I waved at my bus driver as I got off.

It was weird not having anyone waiting at the end of the drive way for me. Usually someone, normally my parents, were there to walk with me down the long drive way.

"Their probably just busy packing." I mumbled to myself.

I knew everyone was busy rushing around trying to pack whatever was needed and making sure everything was setup for the move. I thought about everything going on in my life as I walked my way toward our estate. There was so much going on the move, final tests at school, packing and now the party. Ah I love my life.

As I approached the house I saw my family sitting around the living room in the window. There was no packing, no moving. They just sat there. Honestly it creeped me out. I opened the door and made my presence known.

"Hello? I'm home!"

After a moment I got a reply. "In the living room sweetheart." I heard my mother shout. I followed her voice to where the family sat.

"What's going on..?" I asked to anyone in general.

My dad's eyes met mine. "Come take a seat, we have something to discus." He wasn't his normally crazy child-like self. No. He was serious. Worried. Quiet.

I took my spot between my parents and waited for answers.

"Brooke do you remember when those people were at the house?" Ask grandpa.


He sighed and grabbed ahold of my grandmothers hand. "Well those people were the Volturi. They are the people that run the vampire world, they make all the rules and make sure that the rules are followed. Are you following so far?" I nodded.

"Well one rule is no human is to know about us or our kind; as you might've figured out we've broken that rule."

"So that means I have to go." I interrupted.

Mom turned me in her arms and looked me in the eyes. "No Brooklyn. You aren't going anywhere. Do you understand that?"

I snuggled into her more. "Yes mommy."

Grandpa continued on "As I was saying since we broke one of the rules they have approached us with two options. They both are things we've never ever wanted for you, at least not for a while. Now before I tell you the options I want you to know the decision is all yours and that we will all still love you and care about you no matter what." He paused letting his words sinking in. All I could do was stared and play with my moms wedding rings.

"The first option is that the Volturi take to and you love with them for as long as they want." I knew immediately I wouldn't be picking that. "And the second option is we change you. Into a vampire." There was a erie silence amongst the room.

I didn't know what to say. What was there to say? My life would change forever no matter which option was chosen.

"We will always love and respect you and your decision sweetheart, just know that." Grandma spoke up gaining my attention again.

"I don't want to leave you guys." A year rolled down my cheek.

A hand was there quickly tho to wipe it away. "You don't have to if you don't want to. We will help you through the change and answer any questions you have. You won't go through it alone." Dad explained.

"Will it hurt?" I asked looking up at Grandpa.

He meet my gaze, "I'm not going to lie to you it does. It burns but eventually stops and then you sleep through the next couple of days and awake a vampire."

"Then what happens?" I was thirsty for knowledge.

Grandpa chuckled lightening up the mood a bit. But only just a bit. "You will be very thirsty for blood when you first awake so we will go out and teach you how to hunt. Everyone has a different experience waking up my dear."

"I don't want to leave you guys. You saved me and gave me a home. Your my family." I sighed. "I'd like to live here with you guys and have Grandpa change me. If that's ok that is."

I felt a bunch of stoney cold hard arms wrap around me in a hug. I knew I made the right choice.

I hugged them all back. I've never been happier then with my family.



QOTC!: Are any of you obsessed with the Royal Family?

I can't get enough they are just to cute!

Thanks for all the great feedback and support!❤️ I can honestly say I have the most amazing fans! I love you guys! ❤️

~MACK xoxo

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