Your Only Human

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** A/N I'm soooo sorry for the wait I just got home from a big soccer tournament and last night at practice I feel on my foot and might have broke it. I have to put my health first so that's why I couldn't update last night.

Thanks for understanding love you all!**



Rosalie's POV:


Emmett and I sat anxiously in Carlisle's office waiting to hear how our baby girl was.

Once we got to the hospital, we rushed in with Brooke still sleeping in my arms. Carlisle was waiting at the front desk of the ER. He swiftly and carefully took Brooke and placed her onto a bed, he had waiting beside him.

"Wait in my office. I'll meet you in there when I'm done with her." He told us that about an hour ago and we are still waiting for an update.

We have been sitting in silence except for my quick sobs every now and then.

Emmett sat in the chair beside me with one arm comfortly rubbing my back. I knew what he was think. We we're think the same things.

'Do we punish her?'

'We shouldn't have fell for her lies.'

'Why didn't Alice see this coming?'

"I don't think we should punish her right away." I said breaking the silence. "I do think we need to punish her for going behind our back and not listen to what we told her but let's wait and let her get over this first."

I climbed on to his lap and waited for a response.

Without saying a word he simply nodded his head. I could tell that see Brooke hurt made him upset. The two had a bond no one in our family could understand. He would go to the moon if it meant his baby girl was going to be ok. But now he has no control and we have to but all our faith in our adoptive father's hands.

Speaking of Carlisle, he entered the room with papers and walked over to his large wooden desk Emmett and I were sitting in front of.

I quickly went into my previous seat and starred at Carlisle for news.

"Well..." He cleared his throat, "here are her X-rays."

He threw down the black and white photos. Emmett and I carefully examined them and I realized there was a jagged line across one of the bones underneath Brooklyn's wrist. I was about to ask what it was but Emmett beat me to it.

"What is that line? How is she doing? Where is she?" Asked my husband.

"It means she has a distal radius fracture. She is doing fine. She's still sleeping because we had to quickly place a small plate with a couple of screws. I put her in a private recovery room upstairs in the recovery floor. I can take you to see her in about 15 minutes." Carlisle spoke calmly, "and I suggest you call the family. I figure Esme will want to know what's going on with her 'grand baby'."

"Thank you Carlisle for everything!" I got up and gave him a hug.

"It was no problem." He replied planting a gentle kiss on my forehead.

A muffled voice came threw the speaker by the door. I used my vampire hearing and listened in to the voice.

It was a soft female voice, "Dr. Cullen, I just wanted to let you know that your patient Brooklyn is waking up."

"Ok thank Sherri, I'll be right up there." Carlisle spoke back into the speaker.

"I guess we can go see her!" He smiled at Emmett and I.


I quietly followed Carlisle into Brooklyn's hospital room.

I walking in and saw my little girl sitting up in the bed with tears running down her face.

Immediately Emmett and I ran towards her bed to comfort her.

"What's wrong princess?" Emmett asked her wiping away her recent tears.

"I'm so stupid and dumb. I can't believe you guys woulds would ever want me as a kid." Brooke cried into her father's shoulder.

"No your not don't say that. Your the only kid I would ever want!" I told her.

"We wouldn't trade you for anything. Your only human. We all make mistakes." Cooed Emmett.

For the next little while we sat while Brooke talked and we listened.

Later Carlisle and Esme joined us then the rest of the family.


I know it's short but this was just kind of a filler chapter. And trust me this is just the beginning of chapters to come.



Comment :)

Love you!

~Mack XOXO

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