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The sound of the dripping water echoed through the dark and damp room, sending shivers down my spine. I felt the coldness of the concrete floor seeping into my bones as I lay there, tied up and alone. The memories of my past flooded back, and I couldn't help but think about the day I found my parents dead in the living room.

It was a sunny afternoon, just like any other. I had returned from school to find the front door unlocked, which was unusual. As I walked in, I felt an eerie silence that made the hair on my neck stand up. And then, I saw them lying on the floor. Their lifeless bodies were covered in blood, and I could see the horror in their eyes. I screamed and cried for help, but it was too late. They were gone forever.

The investigation into their death went on for months, but the culprit was never found. I was left alone, trying to piece together the fragments of my shattered life. And now, years later, I found myself in a similar situation. Kidnapped and helpless, I couldn't help but think about my parents and how much I missed them.

I closed my eyes and tried to push away the memories. I knew that dwelling on the past would only make things worse. But it was hard to forget the warmth of my mother's embrace, the sound of my father's laughter, and the love they gave me. I missed them so much that it felt like a physical ache in my chest.

As I lay there, I realised that my parents' death had changed me. It had made me stronger and more resilient, but it had also left a scar that would never heal. The thought of never seeing them again was too much to bear, and I broke down in tears.But then, I heard footsteps outside the door, and I knew that I had to pull myself together. I wiped away my tears, took a deep breath, and prepared for whatever was coming next. I knew that I had to be strong, for my parents and myself.

The door creaked open again, and I felt a knot form in my stomach as the kidnapper entered the room. Slowly I lifted my eyes to have a look at him and I thought it was a very wrong move.I couldn't help but stare at him. God! He was mesmerising.

The last time he was here ,it was too dark to see anything.His eyes were barely visible to make out his expression.but right now,I can see piercing green eyes that looks deep into my soul.I have seen green eyes before but his ,are none like the other I've ever seen .

His eyes look like a green shade of an ocean that seems to be so unknown that people fear it.The only way I can describe it ,is that a blue ocean that has a mix of green.

His strong, tattooed arms were a stark contrast against the darkness.His body looks perfect.He isn't lean nor bulky. just the perfect amount that radiates confidence.

I must say this man right here is more beautiful than any Vogue cover magazine model. He seemed so strong. He looks like a Greek god.

I couldn't help but wonder what the story was behind his tattoos. They seemed to cover every inch of his body, telling a story of their own. And then there were the mysterious scars that I couldn't help but notice. They seemed to run deep as if there was a story behind every one of them.

I feel ashamed of myself right now .Even in this type of situation,I can't help but stare at him. Surely he doesn't look like a kidnapper.

As he stood there, watching me with that same intense gaze of his, I couldn't help but feel a strange sense of attraction to him. It was a feeling that scared me but also intrigued me at the same time.Am I the only one who can feel this strange shift in air? The moment his eyes met mine ,I felt something. I can't explain it.

There was tension in the air, and I could feel his eyes on me as he approached.

"What do you want from me?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

He didn't reply, but I could see the anger and hatred in his eyes. It was as if he resented me for being here, but at the same time, he might hurt me.As he stood there, silently watching me, I couldn't help but feel a strange connection to him. There was something deep within him, something that I couldn't quite understand.

"Why are you doing this to me?" I asked, my voice shaking.

But still, he didn't reply. He just continued to stare at me, his expression unreadable.

As the moments passed, the tension between us grew thicker. I could feel the weight of his emotions, and I knew that there was something more to this situation than what meets the eye.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, he spoke."What I am doing to you is nothing compared to what I have gone through, you will have to pay back for everything I have suffered" he replied as coldly as an iceberg. He seemed cold and cruel to me

I looked at him, trying to read his expression. There was something deep in his eyes, something that I couldn't quite put my finger on.

As he left the room, I couldn't help but feel a strange sense of sadness. There was something about him that drew me to him, something that I couldn't explain.

I'm confused. What is his motive for kidnapping me? I have never seen him before. What was he talking about payback? Have I done something to him that I don't remember? that's not possible. I have never seen him so how can I have done something so horrible that he seemed to hate me?

Despite everything that had happened., I knew that there was a strange connection between us. And as I lay there in the darkness, I couldn't help but wonder what the future held for me and the mysterious man who has locked me here with so many different emotions.

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