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As the days pass by, the kidnapper doesn't come to see me. It's not like I want him to come but it's just this eerie feeling about this whole situation. I'm left alone in the dark room, with only my thoughts and fears to keep me company.

I like being alone with my thoughts. I wouldn't say I'm a loner since I do have some friends. Not anyone close but yea I can say I know some people and sometimes we hang out together. It's just that I like being alone. It feels safer to know that my thoughts are never going to be known by another human being. I want to keep it that way. My dream is to have enough money to go somewhere far away where nobody knows me. I can truly be whoever I want, do whatever I want and not be noticed by anyone .

I do not wish anything more than a simple life with peace . A cute cat and a small house in a secluded place with glass ceilings with a lake near the house is all I want. I want to dance and sing aloud in the living room while baking cupcakes and playing with my cat. I wish I could fulfil my dreams yet they seem so far away now. It's not even something I can think about now. It feels like my story will end in this shit hole. There seems to be no way of escaping.

I have no idea what's going to happen next, but I can't shake off the feeling that something terrible is about to happen.

I suddenly stopped breathing.After three days of complete isolation, the sound of footsteps outside my door brings me back to reality. My heart dropped when I heard the sound of keys jingling, and the door creaked open to reveal two strangers standing before me. Who are these people? Where is "he"? The look on their faces revealed their intentions, ones that I desperately prayed wasn't the right guess.they had a smirk on their faces and were looking at me creepily.

Why does it feel like they are here to hurt me and like truly "hurt "me. I have never been so scared of someone in my whole life. Their eyes look empty like they don't care what they do to me.My heart races as I realise that they're not here to rescue me. They're here to torture me.why does my life keeps getting worse.

The first man approached me with a wicked grin on his face. He slowly pulls out a knife from his pocket , looking directly at my eyes for some type of twisted satisfaction. The knife looked really sharp and trembled looking at his face .The man grabbed me by my hair and slowly began to make cuts along my arms and legs. Blood was pouring out of my body so heavily that I thought for a moment I might die today because of some much blood loss.The pain is intense, and I scream out in agony. The pain was unbearable. With each cut I screamed louder .The pain was shooting right out my arms. They were cruel.

The second man stepped forward, and it took me a minute to understand what he was holding. It was a whip in his hand. My whole body was soaked in my own crimson red blood.My hair was soaked with sweat and my own blood. He starts to lash me with it, the sharp ends cutting into my flesh. the moment the whip touched my back it instantly felt like a third degree burn. He was whipping me again and again at the same place. The pain is unbearable, and I feel as though my body is on fire. My body was giving up.I can't even fight back now.

I try to fight back, to plead with them to stop, but it's no use. They continue to torment me, their laughter ringing in my ears as they inflict more and more pain.these inhumane monsters are brutally killing me and yet the saddest part is I don't even know what have I done to deserve this. My mind goes back to those green eyes and I wonder if it's him who is doing this. And I know the answer to that.obviously that bastard maybe didn't want to get my blood on his hands so he sent his man to do this on his behalf. Life is really cruel.

As the torture continues, I feel myself slipping away into a dark abyss. I can't take the pain anymore, and I start to lose consciousness. But even in my delirium, I can feel the pain, the fear, and the overwhelming sense of despair.

Finally, the men leave me alone, their laughter echoing in my ears as they close the door behind them. I'm left alone in the darkness once again, my body battered and broken, my mind consumed by terror and hopelessness. I lost hopes of my dreams being ever completed. I can't help but hate myself for being this week. I couldn't fight for my dreams .

I don't know how much more of this I can take. The thought of living like this for days, weeks, or even months on end is too much to bear. All I can do is pray for a miracle, a way out of this nightmare that's become my reality.

I hate myself the most because even in this moment my mind kept going back to those amber eyes. Behind those dark and twisted eyes is there really even a human present?

I slowly started losing my grip on reality and couldn't fight to keep my eyes open anymore. As my eyes were closing ,I saw those mysterious green eyes again, before I could try to find logic behind the way his eyes looked at me , darkness engulfed me ,barring me of my cruel reality.

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