°Chapter 1: Friendship°

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Gyutaro pov

It's supposed to be a night only dedicated to board games and chatting but things changed and I just realized what I did,it is too hard to explain it to the other and it is to keep the secret from last night...

Nobody pov


"Another time Daki?What do you want now?"

"It's been 10 minutes that he won't stop insulting me!"


"Is not my problem if she is so stupid"

"Take that back!"

"Oi oi,calm down Daki,Kaigaku please stop insulting her because it isn't very gentle so stop"

"Fine...-roll eyes-"

"I'm going to talk to Kokushibo and don't call me again,it's annoying Daki,bye..."

"Oh...bye oni-chan!"

"Bye stick"

"Hi Kokushibo!"

"Hi Gyutaro,I didn't expect you to be here"


"Well...you're always with your sister so it surprises me that you're alone for one time"

"That exactly of what I wanted to talk about,you see...Daki never leaves me alone because she can't defend herself and it is annoying but she is still my sister and I can't leave her like that"

"Your point is right but you need to live your own life plus,she's a hashira she should know how to defend herself... listen, just explain it to her,I'm sure she will understand"

"Mmh... you're right!Thanks Kokushibo,bye!"


"Hey Daki"

"Onii-chan!What do you need?"

"I need to explain you something,you see...I need you to learn how to defend yourself because I'm tired of being called everytime and you need to be more kind with the other demon slayer,understand?"

"Okay Oni-chan!"

"Good,now I'm going to find Kaigaku"


"Wait...do you know where he is?"

"I don't know,maybe at the blossom tree?You know he is always there..."

"Maybe your right,I go check"

Gyutaro then goes searching for Kaigaku but he couldn't find him so the only option left was checking his estate.

"Kaigaku?Kaigaku are you there?"

-Kaigaku open the door-

"Can you go away please? *Sobs* it is not the time"

"Kaigaku what wrong?Do you want to talk about it?"

"Didn't I told you to go away?Plus, aren't you always with your sister?"

"Yeah but"

"Then go back to her and leave me alone!"

"I...I won't leave until you tell me what happened!"

-Kaigaku shut the door-


Gyutaro pov:

What happened to him?Why he won't tell me?Am I a bad friend?

Kaigaku pov

He actually care about it or not?

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