°Chapter 4:Caring friends°

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-Time skip-

Emmu pov:

It's been 3 months since the 'accident' caused by the voices in Kaigaku's head,now he feels better and everything...will he forget about my help?He will still come to visit me right?I mean...he is my friend after all...'Emmu!',my name was called,as I looked behind I didn't see anyone but when I turned back,an 'animal' jumped on me

Nobody pov

"Kaigaku!Get off me!"


"What do you need?"

"Help,maybe some direction to interact with my crush..."

"You like someone?That's great!"

"Yeah,can you help me?"

"I don't know...I don't know very much about love,eheh"

"Is okay don't worry,just tell me what you know"

"Alright!Then come in"

"Tell me,what do you like about her?"

" 'her?' "

"Yeah,is a she right?"

Kaigaku pov

My heart start feeling heavy,am I too scared to tell him?I can't hide it anymore but what if he judges me?What a fool I would be,I'm taking too much risk...

Nobody pov

Kaigaku then started to panic,too much pressure on his chest,the pressure of getting judged,he was now nervous, holding his hands,breath started to get heavy and it was not a good sign.

Emmu pov

What was he waiting to tell me?Is he gay?I mean...I don't mind but...I looked down for a little bit just because I was lost in my thoughts,as I look back up I see Kaigaku with difficulty of breathing,I was scared,what happened?Is he... scared of me?

Kaigaku pov

I started to have difficulty breathing at the point to faint,when I woke up I was in Emmu's bed,what I was doing here?Why wasn't I in a hospital bed?

Emmu pov

"Kaigaku,you woke up!" I said to him while smiling,in my response I got "Gyutaro...",that was the word he said.
I suppose he was still stuck from the argument we were talking about first,does he really like him?It might be possible though.

Nobody pov


"Gyutaro...is the person I like Emmu"

"You like him!?Is okay for me but I'm still a little bit shocked,you know..."

"I understand,thank you,Emmu..."


"You're a wonderful friend..."

Emmu pov

Those words...did he really mean it?I wasn't expecting that,thank you Kaigaku, you're a wonderful friend too.

Kaigaku pov

He was happy,I could have tell,his eyes were about to make me cry about it.

Nobody pov:

"Soo...you wanted advance,huh?"


"Let me tell you...and that it!Good luck Kaigaku"

"Have a nice day Emmu!"

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