°Chapter 3:The voices°

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Gyutaro pov

'Kaigaku!' I yelled again,I couldn't take it anymore...I need to help him immediately but Kokushibo knows him the best so the best thing to do is wait for his order even to Kokushibo seemed shocked too.

Kokushibo pov

Gyutaro looked at me worried,like he was waiting for me to say something but I shut my mouth and just broke the door to enter.

Gyutaro pov

'Crack!',Kokushibo just broke the door and entered,I followed him just to see Kaigaku laying on the floor with a knife in his right hand followed to a lake of blood,I wasn't able to do anything...I was in shock,I just cried,over and over again.
'Gyutaro...' a voice called me as I look down to see Kaigaku smiling,'do you care about me?' says with a very tiny tone,'of course I care about you dumbass!Stay still!You're not dying with me!' I said crying out loud while helping the other by bringing him to Emmu's estate,Kaigaku,please live...for me,please...

Nobody pov

"He's going to be okay,is he?"

"Yeah,don't worry"

Emmu pov

I managed to lie about what was really happening,he will be doing well fiscally but mentally...I couldn't tell either,he seemed like something was really disturbing him,when he said to 'leave him alone' I suppose he was talking to someone else and not us,I'm scared for him.

Kaigaku pov

'He just lying to you,he just trying convince you that he cares about you but he doesn't,believe us',no no!This isn't real!He cares about me very much!

Gyutaro pov

'Kaigaku,Kaigaku!' I yelled once again his name,tears were falling down to my cheeks uncontrollably.
I heard the voice of Kokushibo and Nakime,Kokushibo was crying like me and Nakime was trying to keep him calm,Doma had to come and bring him out of the room because Kokushibo wouldn't stop crying.

Kaigaku pov

When I woke up I felt warm arms wrapped around me,I heard sobbing,I looked down at my chest just to find a boy with black and green messy hair crying while hugging me,that moment...it felt good,I wanted him to keep hugging me like that.

Nobody pov


"Gyutaro,what is it?"

"Please...don't do that again you idiot...I lov-,I mean,I care about you!"

"Thanks Gyutaro"

"No worries...good rest"

"Where are you going?"

"Mission that I need to get completed"

"Alright then,bye Gyutaro!"

"Bye Kaigaku!"

"Hey Gyutaro"


-After the mission-

"What an unexpected mission"

"Great thing that the master send to of us and not one"

"Yeah,I'm going to check on Kaigaku,bye!"

"Bye Gyutaro!"

Gyutaro got to Emmu's estate

"Hey Kaigaku,how do you feel?"

"Better,thanks and you?"

"I feel great,ni need to worry about me"




"I brought you some food,hope you like it...bye!"


Gyutaro pov

I was asking myself why was I so in rush?Why was I nervous?I can't understand.
'Gyutaro' a voice from a long distance call me as he slowly walk towards me.
'Did you know that Akaza got injured?',what?When?Why?I took a deep breath and watched the floor for a moment as I realized that...in the mission of Akaza,there was Daki...

Nobody pov


"Gyutaro wait!"

"Akaza!Is Daki okay?"

"I wouldn't say so...she's...inside that box..."

"Why?And how?"

"Did you not realise?Daki is now a demon"

"No,this can't be...it must be a dream! Right?RIGHT!?"

"I'm sorry"

"Is not your fault,you needed to fight but that still shock me,now,what should I do?"

"I-I don't really know,do you know anything?"

"No but I will find out to make her a human again...may be the last thing I do..."

"I see...Gyutaro"


"I was about to forget,the tips for apologising to Doma"

"Yeah right!"

Gyutaro then start talking and explaining to Akaza,how he should apologize to Doma.

"Thanks Gyutaro"

"No worries,it was nice to help you"

Meanwhile with Kaigaku

Kaigaku pov

'They hate you,they don't want you,die die die' stop,stop,stop stop stop stop 'STOP',I yelled the last word.
Did anyone heard me?

Emmu pov

'STOP' I heard yelling,it was Kaigaku,that boy was passing some sort of phase really strange,he often talked to himself,he was nervous and quiet but not around Gyutaro,I love Gyutaro company and I think he enjoys his company too because with him,he would talk very much and smile(things that didn't happen lately).
I then snapped out my thoughts and got to Kaigaku's room to check on him.
When I got there Kaigaku was crying and smiling?Why he would smile?What happened?'Kaigaku-kun,what happened?' I asked him while wrapping my arm around him, 'Help,help me' said smiling,I didn't know what was passing through his head,I care about him and he knows so why he would act like this? Everyone cares about him so...I need to find out what he is going through.

Nobody pov


"Huh?Wh-What is it?"

"You seem nervous,why?"

"That...that because you're scaring me"


"Because I care about you!And you're acting too strange!I want to help you, that's all!"



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