Chapter 13

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I can't believe my mom kicked her out the house, I have no idea where she went. She just kinda walked out. I gave her a day so I decided to text her now
Messages (j)= Jordyn (t)= Triston
Hey (T)
Hey babe ❤️ (J)
I miss you so much where did you go? (T)
I miss you more! I brought a plane ticket and left(J)
You left to where? (T)
L.A it's pretty nice out here (J)
I'm moving out there, we can get an apartment and live together, raise our baby together. With love (T)
Oh Triston are you serious?! That would be amazing. I'll start looking for apartments (J)
Nice. I'll ttyl I love you (T)
I love you more xoxo (J)
Not possible ❤️ (T)
End of messages
I got to tell my mom I'm doing this. I don't care what she says. I love Jordyn and I'd do anything to be with her.

I didn't know where she was, I don't care though I'm mad at her

"What Triston, I'm in the basement"
I hate the basement it's super cold

"Mom, I'm moving out. I already have it planned, Jordyn is buying an apartment for us then once we have enough money we are getting a house. I'm moving out and yes, without your permission, I'm 18 I can legally move out"
I said it with sass

"Wait Triston... Your leaving me? For her? Triston baby don-"
I cut her off

"Yes I'm leaving her for you I'm sorry mom but she's the love of my life and I'd do anything for her. You can't change my mind. I'm leaving tomorrow I'm packing today"
And with that I walked out the room

I walked upstairs and I noticed I didn't have a lot of bags... I needed to buy some but I need money. I have an idea. My mom still has money .. 175,000 I'm going to take it... Tbh I think she forgot about it. I'm going to take it tomorrow. I went In the attic and found some bags. I started packing and I literally took like everything expect my bed, dressers, ya all that stuff. I fell asleep because I was exited for tomorrow. I can't wait.

I'm online looking for apartments. Triston told me what he's doing already so I know the money zone to keep it in. I finally found this pretty nice one, it was cheap too. Only $2,000. I have $172,480 left plus another 175,000 so combined we have $347,480 nice. I decided to take a walk. It's nice in L.A the suns out, there's people to talk with, just everything you can dream about. I took a walk on the beach it was pretty nice. I decided to go to the cafe to get like a muffin. I arrived at the cafe and it smelt soo good.

"Hi may I take your order?"
She looked nice

"Um yes could I get a muffin? Chocolate chip."

"Sure that will be $3.00"
Oh that's really cheap
I gave her the money and I waited for my muffin.

"Here's your muffin, have a nice day"

"Thank you"

People in L.A are super nice. It's now 7:00pm and I'm actually really tired from today. This baby is making me tired. I walked home and ate my muffin. I grabbed sweats and a spaghetti strap, turned on The t.v and fell asleep.
Today's the day I get to meet up with Triston. I'm so happy. What time is it anyway.. I looked at the clock and it was 10:30!? What! I have to be out the hotel by 11:00.. My god. I quickly got out of bed and grabbed
* a spaghetti strap
*flip flops
I rushed into the bathroom and took a quick shower. I put on my clothes and did my makeup... Only took 20 minutes to do all of it... Now to get my hair done, I brushed out my hair and let it free. I grabbed all my stuff and left the hotel, and checked out of it. Since we already bought the apartment we can move into it today. I got a taxi and payed him. I finally arrived at the apartment and put all my bags down on the floor. It was beautiful!! Everything to wish for! It was a beach house/apartment and it was amazing. I unpacked all my things and decided, since I'm 17, I want a car. I decided to go buy a car for $30,000. Not half bad. It was a pretty nice looking car. I decided to text Triston since it was 12:00

It's now the morning and I can't believe I'm moving out. It was early in the morning and I knew my mom was still sleeping so I went in the basement and grabbed all the money from the box and went back upstairs and stuffed it in my bag so my mom wouldn't see it. I bought my plane ticket online so I printed it out today and I was about set to go see Jordyn again. I can't wait! I wrote my mom a note because I was leaving right now
Dear mom,
I decided to leave early but I hope
That you are alright with my choice.
I want to live my life free. Me and
Jordyn have a baby on the way. Mom,
I'm going to be a dad and if your not
Okay with that then I guess I have
To just move on. I'm sorry but I
Am going to change my number
And distance myself from you so
I can live the life I want. I love you a
Lot but I want this. Xoxo
Love, Triston
With that I got a taxi to the air port and I left for L.A I can't wait. I fell asleep and when I woke up I was here. I got off the plane and waited in the air port... I forgot to text Jordyn... I was about to text her when she texted me
Messaging (J)= Jordyn (T)=Triston
Hey babe I can't wait for you to get here ! ❤️ (J)
I forgot to tell you, I left early (T)
Oh that's nice... When will you be here ? (J)
Well I'm at the air port now.. Forgot to text you lol (T)
I'll be right there ! Wait outside the air port (J)
Alright I will. Thanks babe xoxo (T)
Np ❤️(J)
❤️ (T)
End of messages

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