Chapter 1

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Vincent sat alone in his study, as he had spent many nights, but tonight was different, he felt a disturbance in the atmosphere. He couldn't tell if it was his own craziness causing the buzz, or if something didn't care if every magical creature within 100 miles could sense them, maybe to give a warning of its power. He snorts into his drink.

Anything like that is either ignorant or a fool, he thinks.
He refills his glass and takes a swig of the expensive brandy he had be drinking for hours. He gets up going to stand by the window and notices, with a sigh, that it is nearly day break. Another night spent in defening silence trying to ignore his disturbed thoughts. He tips the glass to his lips downing the rest of his drink, and turns sliding the glass lazily onto the table. Then makes his way to his bedroom deciding he should try to get some sleep. Although he doubts he actually will.


Clair sits in the passenger seat of her Grandmas car, tapping lightly on her thigh to the beat of the music pouring out of her ear bud. She watching the beautiful scenery that surrounds her Grans home town as it passes by. She's actually glad she's moving in with her Gran, despite the circumstances. You see she and her older brother Jared had, had a falling out about her refusal to let him control every detail of her life, as it seemed he so wanted to do. It ended with her packing her bags and waiting in the drive way until her Gran pulled up to pick her up. Jared ran out, of course, to tell Gran that they'd work it out and that she was to stay there with him. This only managed to infuriate her all over again and tells him she'll do and live wherever she pleases. Before Jared could respond Gran stepped in and assured Jared that she will just be staying for the summer and if by the end they've settled their differences and she wishes to move back then she will but fighting now solves nothing. Jared, not wanting to argue with their Gran says nothing and turns around stomping his way back inside, very child like. Gran turns to Clair with a sigh and gives her a smile before pulling out of the drive way for their 6 hour drive back to her small town.
Clair is jerked back into the present when suddenly she sees houses come into view. Her Grans town is very old so most of the houses are built in a Victorian fashion making everything look regal but in reality everyone who lived in the area was most likely a farmer, teacher, or student.

"We're almost there," Gran says tiredly but happily patting Claire's knee. Clair smiles back but feels guilty for makes her make such a long drive. She would have offered to drive back but she didn't have her license do to the fact that driving made her a terrible, anxiety stricken, mess.

"I'm excited to go back to your house Gran, it's been so long, I've missed it," Clair says as they turn onto the familiar long drive way leading up to her Grans house.

"Yes I can't wait for you to see your room! I've been waiting for you to come stay in it ever since i decorated it." Gran always had a thing about decorating each room of her house with its own style and personality. Claire's taste was very similar to that of her Grans so she was excited to see what her room will look like. Finally pulling up to the blue two story Victorian house, with black shudders and a beautiful garden, Claire's eyes gleamed remembering all the wonderful memories she had of the place.

"Home sweet home," she murmurs to herself as she gets out of the car, pushing the door closed behind her. She grabs as many of her bags as possible from the back seat and trunk before deciding she'd definitely not make it and she'd have to make a second trip, but taking as much as she possibly could in one go she follows her Gran to the front door and into the house. She takes a deep breath as the familiar scent of Grans home washes over her. She's not sure what the smell is, she supposes a mixture of many thing, but the only way she could describe it was the smell of home.

"Just as I remember it," She smiles. Her Gran gaspes dramatically placing her hand on her heart.

"Surly not! I've got new carpets, new dishes, and a new couch since you were last here!" Gran gestures around the room as if unveiling a grand master piece. Clair nods in agreement if only to amuse her and begins to haul her stuff up the stairs. Clair makes her way to her room which is located down the right halfway to the far left. Gran stays on her heel anticipating her reaction to the room. Clair can nearly feel her vibrating in excitment. She finally reaches the room and Gran reaches to open the door. Clair gasps and lays down her many bags in the door way so she can further inspect the room. The walls had been painted a beautiful maroon color with hand painted roses lining the floor and ceiling. A beautiful cheasnut bedroom suit including a four poster queen sized bed, four drawr dresser with an exquisite mirror, a tall wardrobe, and a small simple desk filled the room. The bed had a lovely, silk, deep green sheet set and a soft looking comforter to match, not to mention the mountain of pillows stylishly placed there. The only things that hadn't changed were the deep brown, worn wood that was the floor and the wooden door that led to the small bathroom attached. Clair turns to her Gran who is wearing an expectant look in her face.

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