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A/N: So, this one shot will be a bit short compared to previous ones. And also for the part 3 of freddie's date, i'll do it soon, I promise! I just really didn't have any motivation to make a part 3 so that's why. And uhm this is before carly finds out about sam and freddie kissing after the icarly where sam apologizes. Some of the names I mention might not even exist in the ICarly world so don't cancel me or smth. I'm talking too much again, here we go seddiers!!

Nobody's POV (Narrator)

"Sam! Are you done yet?" a certain brunette calls out. "I'm almost done, Carly! Just gimme a minute!" Sam replies. *Sam finishes changing* "Ok, let's go to the party." Sam says slightly annoyed. "Yes!" Carly says in way that she just won a medal or something.

Sam's POV

Carly and I are going to a party. Well not really a party party, more like a hangout. I would've said no but Carly and Fredley bribed me with them buying 2 Fatcakes tomorrow so I just had to agree. We get to the party and Carly knocks on the door. "Hello? Oh hey Carly!" a random kid around our age says while giving Carly a high-five. "Hey Toad!" she says smiling. "Come inside! Everyone's been waiting for you!" Toad says while chuckling a bit. Carly glares at me for a second but goes back to her usual happy, calm, Carly-self.

Fredbag, Carls, and I all sit down on the 3 chairs on the side left for us. I don't really know anyone other than Fredweird and Carly, so I feel a bit nervous. Toad announces, "Alright everyone, we're gonna play spin the bottle!". My eyes go wide. I look at Carly with my I'm-gonna kill-you look. Fredweird met his own nerdy, dorky kind at the party and starting talking to them so I drag Carly into a separate room. "Carly! You didn't tell me we would be playing this s-stupid game!" I say angrily. "If I told you, you would have never come. Please, come on. For me?" Carly replies with begging eyes. I groan and agree to not kill everyone as we go back to the center of the meet-up.

"For people who don't know how to play or what the game is, spin the bottle is a game where everyone sits in a circle on the floor and spin a bottle. We spin it 2 times and those 2 people have to kiss. This game is pretty hardcore compared to pin the tail on the donkey so be warned!" Toad says. I mouth the words to Carly saying 'I hate this' while glaring at her. 'Well, too bad' she mouths back to me. We sit on the floor and I'm in front of Freddork. He looks so ugly! The way his hair is perfectly the right amount of fluff, and oh, his terrible and disgusting dark brown chocolate eyes. His lips look so soft, I wish I could just- SNAP OUT OF IT PUCKETT!!

I shake my head and start looking at Carly. She's staring lovingly and this kid named Brad or something. She definitely likes him, but then again, she has a new crush like everyday, so I wouldn't be surprised if this 'crush' went away in the next few hours. Toad comes back to the circle, holding a bottle and places it in the middle of the circle. "Everyone ready?" he asks. Everyone nods their heads and he smirks, "Let's go.". He spins the bottle and it lands on Wendy. She seems to be very tense, but I understand, I was the same when I kissed- NOPE NO DON'T THINK ABOUT IT! Anyways, the bottle spins again and it lands on Ash. Wendy and Ash definitely won't end up together as a couple, I just know it.

They both turn a bit pink from embarrassment but kiss anyway. It was a quick 3 second kiss, while everyone just starting awning. "How was it?" Carly asks the both of them while wiggling her eyebrows. "Eh, it was alright. But Ash is definitely NOT the best kisser I've met, no offense." Wendy replies. "None taken, you weren't the best too." Ash replies with no emotion whatsoever. Toad spins the bottle again and it lands on Fredwart. Sh*t. I really hope it doesn't land on me. I open my eyes and see the bottle slowly moving towards Carly who is next to me. YES!! I start celebrating in my head but then see the bottle approaching me. Uh oh.

It finally lands on me. My facial expression changes from normal to surprised to then disappointed. Fredley and I both make eye contact as we both are saying with our eyes, 'not again!'. Carly looks taken aback and seems to be wondering whether I'll kill a person or the bottle. I groan loudly and Freddork scoots to the middle. I feel a blush coming on but I wasn't able to stop it, but I don't think anyone saw it other than Fredweird. We lock eye contact for about 3 seconds and I start getting a bit annoyed. "Well, lean!" I say angrily. He chuckles a bit and whispers, "That was just like last time.". I blush a little and then he leans.

Our lips touch and we start kissing. (A/N: AAAAAAH I'M DYING OF CUTENESS PLS HELP) We kiss for a solid 10 seconds and pull away from each other. Everyone is looking at us in awe except Carly. I assume she expected me to tackle Fredley before I could even kiss him, but I've done it before and I kinda like it. NOT THAT I LIKE HIM, NO WAY. I just kinda.. like it that's all. We go back to our original spots and we all get up because apparently Toad's grandparents are coming over and we need to leave. I'm blushing hard and hope desperately that no one notices.

We leave the house and now we are walking back to Spencer's car. Carly is in front of Freddork and I, on a call. Fredgeek looks around and then whispers in my ear, smirking. "Did you like it? You're blushing a lot." he whispers smugly. I blush even more and push him gently. "N-No I didn't!" I say back. "Then why are you all red?" he asks smirking that annoying smirk. "B-Because you're such a dork that it's making me a bit mad!" I reply. "Mhm, sure." he says back. Carly turns around and cuts her call. "Everyone alright to go?" she asks.

the enddd lololol

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