5. Practice

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'Thought '

'Thought to Kurama '

'Kurama talking'


Mito Pov:

"Shoyo... next time don't wake me up so early," I said half asleep while walking to practice.

"Sorry, Mito we have to win this ,you do remember that the principle said you have to win this or else your kicked off the team. And there is no space on the girls team, so if you want to play we have to win this. And also because Kageyama really wants to be setter." Shoyo said , while rubbing the back of his neck.

When we reached the gym we met up if our teammate who locked like he was trying to pick the lock for the gym. He turned around when he heard us coming, then turned red.

"Hello, Mito Uzumaki, nice to meet ya." I said raising my hand for a handshake while yawning.

Kageyama Pov:

I quickly stopped picking the lock when I heard footsteps coming. I turned around to yell at the boke only to see him walking with the golden haired beauty from yesterday. I felt my face heat up.

'She is so pretty'

"Hello, Mito Uzumaki, nice to meet ya," her soft voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Tobio Kageyama,"I said shaking her hand. "Nice to meet you, I hope we work well together."

Mito Pov:

"So what are we waiting for," I asked after shaking hands with Kageyama.

"Me. Get out of here before 7 am or else Daichi will have my head," a boy with a buzz cut said.


"So your the female teammate, nice to meet you I'm second year Ryūnosuke Tanaka," he said while giving me his hand to shake.

"Mito Uzumaki, nice to meet you Tanaka-senpai," when I said that he looked like he was blessed by God with his face all red.

He then opened the door and I walked in after him. We both looked back to see Shoyo and Kageyama fighting to go in first. 'They're both idiots'

"Hey. There's no time..." Tanaka tried to say then did this weird face.

We then started practice, Kageyama would help, if you can call it that, with Shoyo's receives and Tanaka would help with mine.

"Are you a libaro?" Tanaka asked with  a stunned expression.

"No why?" I replied confused.

"You've received every ball I sent to you," he explained.

"Oh isn't that good,"I asked with a question mark above my head. 'I mean I'm not really trying'

"That's great, we can now have a sub for Nishinoya." He said while smiling and going to the arguing duo's direction."Hey we don't have time for your arguing, Daichi is usually very nice but his really scary when he's mad. Like extremely. Not that I'm scared or anything." Tanaka said to the boys.

"Morning practice, huh? I knew it." We all turned to the voice, and saw a soft looking cute gray haired boy.

"Suga-san, how?"Tanaka said a little nervous.

Suga, what I'm guessing is his name, then explained to Tanaka how obvious he was like asking to open the door when he is usually late. He easied off Tanaka's worries by saying that he didn't tell Daichi, who I think is the captain.

"Hello I'm Koshi Sugawara, I'm the vice-captain and a third year," He said wanting a handshake.

"Mito Uzumaki, nice to meet you." I said shaking his hand.

After introducing myself we restarted practice, Suga-senpai and Shoyo working on his recieves and Kageyama was setting for me.Shoyo would always get distracted when he saw Kageyama set, so soon later he asked for a toss. Though all he got in return was i spike he failed to receive and Kageyama saying that he would only toss to me because he wasnt useful right now.

"Its almost 7, we should clean up," once Kageyama said that, Suga and Tanaka started to freak out. I didn't help them I walk towards Shoyo.

"Shoyo, dont listen to him, you will get stronger when you face stronger opponents, you will evolve over time. You are going to be the next tiny giant aren't you. You can't let one blueberry haired fool you bring you down. Okay." I said to Shoyo.

"You're the best, Mito." Shoyo said with a big smile.

"Of course, I am," I said with a cocky smirk on my face. Then left the gym when everything was done.

During my lunch break I went to get a drink from the vending machine. On my way back I saw Shoyo and Suga-senpai doing receives, I stayed to watch cause it reminded me of when I would help Naruto with his chakra control and his jutsus. After a while I went back to my class.

After school we were supposed to have a pratice but I'm already going to morning practice which takes up my sleep so, I won't be losing anymore sleep. So I went to tell Shoyo that I was going to the house.

Soon enough it was the last secret morning practice, I "accidentally" slept in so I was a little late. On the way I met up with Suga-senpai, when we reached the gym we saw Shoyo receiving everyone of Kageyama's spikes. Tanaka-senpai joined to watch them with us after 15 minutes.

Kageyama hit it wrong and it went flying over Shoyo. To the guys it seemed impossible to save that but to me I could easily save that. Not to brag but I can run as fast as sound and I can teleport. Though it surprised the guys when Shoyo saved it, which Kageyama rewarded him with a toss. Shoyo spiked it with a big smile on his face, a smile I was to familiar with. I smile a sad one while watching him talk to Kageyama.

Suga Pov:

While Hinata and Kageyama were talking I turned to look at the blue eyed beauty. Just to widen my eyes when I see her looking at Hinata with a sad smile and pain in her eyes. 'Why do you look so sad while looking at him, what's hurting you'

Mito Pov:

"Hey, we're going to win this," Kageyama said.

Hinata tried to say something only to end up puking. Tanaka-senpai and Suga-senpai started freaking out while yelling at each other for things. This made me let out a giggle, I turned confused when they all stopped talking. I opened my eyes to see Shoyo looking at me with a huge smile and the 3 others with a red surprised expression.

The 3 red messes POV:

Her giggle is adorable, how can someone be so cute, beautiful and gorgeous. I'll get a heart attack if this happens again.

Hinata Pov:

She finally laughed, its the first one since I found her. We have to win if she laughs because of volleyball. We have to get her happy with the volleyball team. I don't know what happened to her but its something bad. For her to end up all bloody and for her to be able to change topics so fast. She is too guarded, she is never relaxed, this is the first time I've seen her so relaxed.

Mito Pov:

After practice we went to school, 'I should send a clone to school, I could sleep all day, have one clone at school and the rest training.' I couldn't do that because I wanted my clones to focus on training for a possible futuristic threat.

After school I met up with Shoyo that the gate like usual to walk to the house. On the way he wouldn't stop talking about our opponents he met and how excited he was. Once we reached I ate an apple and did my night routine then went to bed with the thought of our match that was happening tomorrow.

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