2. Corpse Found

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' thought'

'Thought to Kurama'

'Kurama Talking'


Hinata Pov:

As I was biking home after our loss against the King of the Court, Tobio Kageyama, when I noticed that the small stream was red, like it someone was bleeding heavily. 'Should I go check? It could be an animal, but it could be someone?'

"AHHH! Okay I'm going to check!" I decided. Cutting into the semi cleared path in the woods, I followed the stream. It lead to a lake. "Okay! Nothing there, time to go home." As I was turning around I heard a quiet groan."AHHHH!" 'ghost there's a ghost', I shivered. Then I heard it again, 'Okay shoyo you can do it'

As I walk around a rock I found a girl's body. She was around my age, golden long hair, three whiskers on each cheek, black tracksuit, and lying in a pool of blood.

"OI! You okay!" I tried talking to her but I think she was unconscious. I took off my jacket so that she stays warm and put her on my back. When I got back to my bike I hurried home so that my mom could help her.

When I got there I hurried inside and ignored my sister welcoming me home. " MOM! I NEED HELP!" I heard running down to stairs.

"Yes sweetie are you okay!" my mother said panting from her little run." OMG! What happen! Hurry lie her down on the couch and go get the first aid kit in the bathroom."

After I put her down her down, I turned to Natsu. "Natsu could you go play in your room and wait until I go get you." 'I don't want her to be traumatize'.

"Sure, big brother!" She said as she walk up the stairs with me behind her. As we passed the bathroom I got the first aid kit and ran downstairs while yelling at her to stay in her room.

When I reached the couch I noticed that there was a pile of bloody clothes on the ground. I turned around and handed my mother the kit and said that I was going to watch my sister, and ran upstairs.

Mother POV:

'What the hell' is the only thing that is on my mind when I saw my son run in with a bloody girl on his back. When my children went upstairs I started to remove her bloody torn clothes. The more I removed the more  horrified I was, her body was covered in scars from small ones to large slashs. 'Who would do this to a child'. I started to disinfect the wounds, then more of her skin showed there was even more scars under all her blood. I could make out some words like demon, killer and murderer scarred on her skin.

"Oh my god.." I whispered out, when I came across two holes in her body. It looked like she was impaled by something. I was startled when they started healing themselves, but quickly snapped out of my thoughts when she groaned. "Hey... you're okay. I've got you." I wrapped her in bandages even though she could heal yourself, I don't for how long.

"My name is Natsuki Hinata, my son found you and brought you to our house. You should get some rest." I said so that she doesn't panic even though she probably didn't hear me. But the small nod, told me that she heard me.

I quickly got up to get her a pillow and blanket. When I came back I made sure that she was comfortable then wished her a good night. Then went to talk with my children.

"Shoyo, Natsu " I called out. Then saw their heads peak out of Natsu's room. "Our guest is sleeping on the couch until they wake up, so dont wake them up please.

"Yes mother" they said. Then tiptoed downstairs to their rooms . 'They look so cute but I wonder what happened to that poor girl.' "Good night mother," they said.

"Good night sweeties,"I said while heading to my room.

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