cherring up

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Background information: Your 10 years old bucky is your father. Steve is your uncle, and you live in the Avengers compound with bucky .

You are sitting in your room  reading a book .   to get your mind off everything that happens this week . You really just wanted to run into your father's arms and cry and tell him how you felt, but you hated crying in front  of people, especially someone you looked up to like your father .   Your thoughts were interrupted with someone snatching the book out of your hand . Steve : What's up, shortie? Y/n: Nothing.
Steve : What's eating at you, kid? I haven't seen you smile or laugh this week. I miss it . Bucky then walks in and  sits next to Steve.  Bucky : I agree, "he says as he sits down . Y/n : I'm fine , just tired . Bucky: common, not a bad dad joke or even a smile ? Steve : I think I know how we can get that smile . He smirks as he grabs your foot and starts tickeling you . You Barry your face in your pillow trying to hide your giggles but is useless as Steve starts going in between your toes as slow as he can . Y/n: nooo ! Please  ! Ahaaaqaq !! You sqeaul as you start to tickel him back . Bucky : nono Steve, you're doing it all wrong. Let me show you how it is really done .

Bucky : First, you pin down your target . You knew you were done for your dad, new all your worst spots from the back of his hand. Y/n : Daddy, please ! Bucky : sorry doll I've got to teach him how to do it properly . He says then squeezing your side with one hand and tickling your armpit with the other .  You scream with laughter as he starts to count your ribs .  He then stops as Steve sits on your hands so yo can't move . Steve : How about this move ? He says with a smile and then digs his thumbs into your armpits . Y/n: HAHAHAJAHAH NOOO AHHH o caaaan't! Bucky smiles at your childlike reactions .  Bucky: ohhh, that's a good one, but you know what my favorite is. Your face is in fear as you know exactly what he is about to do .  Y/n: Daddy, please!!! Anything but that noo Hahahahaaa  . He chuckles as he sqezis your thigh and tickles the back of your leg . Your worst spot  wicth makes you snort.  Steve laughs at that reaction . Steve : Oh no, bucky, you let the pigs out! Y/n: yall are evile !!! You say, still  laughing your head off . Steve tickles your neck, making you fall into a fit of giggles .   Steve : Man, is there anywhere you aren't ticklish.   Y/n: Oh, please! Have hahaha merceyyyy eeekkk ! Bucky: ok, Steve, before your lesson is over, I want to show you one more thing .  He says as he gives you a smile . Then, lifting up your shirt and blowsthree huge raspberries, making them as long as possible, His beard making it even worse .  You scream as  I your giggles go up an octave.  Steve :  My Turn ! He says as he does the same . Y/n: AHHHHHHHH PLEASEEEE !!! Bucky and Steve smile as bucky gets of
you and let's you catch your breath as you lay there in a ball of giggles.  Bucky: You alright, doll ? We didn't break you, did we ? Y/n: That was not fair! You say as you playfully slap him on his chest, making him chuckle .

Steve : So can you answer my question? What's been eating at you ? He says as he pokes your side one time . Y/n : it's stupid, really .  Bucky: You can talk to us about anything doll you know that, right?  Well, Mrs. Pepper is throwing a mother and daughter slumber party for my class, and I saw all the other girls get excited talking about what they were going to do with their moms. And all I could   remember in that moment was why mom left cause she hated me. I wasn't good enough for her . You start crying as you make your why over to bucky as you tightly embrace him .  Buckys heart broke for you not know what to say in that moment . Steve : I know this is hard . But your mother left for selfish reasons. And she missed out on one of the greatest opportunities of a lifetime.  Y/n: Really ? Bucky : Oh yes! Do you know what a joy it's been watching you grow up. You're amazing. You can dance sing and one of the craziest 10 year Olds I know who can ride a dirt bike like a champ! Steve: And still pull out bad dad jokes whenever. I mean, who is this girl ! He says wicth makes you smile ."""""  You move over to Steve . I love you, you say as you give him a hug.  Steve smiles. I love you too." " Hey!" He is  cut off with laughter as you start to sqeze his sides . He is almost as ticklish as you . He giggles unctrolbully as your fingers wiggle up and down his body. You laugh along with him as he tries not to buck you off the bed . Steve : hehee bucky a little ahahaha help! Bucky laughs as he picks you up. Y/n : Oh, revenge is so sweet ! You say with a laugh . Bucky laughs , I think we've created a monster . He says, then blows a raspberrie on your neck, making you sqeaul and giggle. Steve : Well, I'm all warn out. I think I'm gonna hit the hay.y/n: good night uncle Steve you say as you give him a hug. Love you ! Steve : Love you too, shortie.   Bucky smiles as he tucks you in . Y/n:dad . Bucky: Yes, doll ? Y/n: Thank you for not leaving me . I wouldn't trade you for anything else in the world . Bucky smiles , how did i get so lucky? He says, then giving you a kiss on your cheek . Y/n: Sometimes you just get lucky . You smile as you then start to fall asleep . Bucky: Then I'm the luckiest one of them all he say before giving you one more kiss on the cheek.  Goodnight, doll, he says . As he shuts the door with nothing but a smile on his face. 

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