Background information: Tony is your dad, and you live in the tower with him and Pepper.
Age : 10
You just got done with some homework and wanted to do something fun. You then got an idea. It might not go over well for you. But you wanted to see if you could pull it off. You went to your dad's lab to make sure he was occupied. He was going over misson routes with petter. That should keep him busy for a while . You thought to yourself than ran to the kitchen
You got a paper plate out of the cabinet and the wiped cream out of the fridge. The bottle was almost empty when you were finished. It was the perfect plan . You were going to stand behind the door and scream for help. He will for sure come running then boom right in the face!
You giggled to yourself as you put the wiped cream that was left back in the fridge. Steve : What are you up to trouble? He says with a chukel as he looks at the plate of wiped cream on the counter. Y/n: ohhh nothing ! You said with a huge grin on your face as you picked up the plate. Then, you carefully jogged off to the lab where your father was. Steve laughed
You hid Quitley behind the door as you prepared. Y/n: OWWWWWWWW DADDY HELLLLP MEEEEE! you screamed with a few fake cries. Just as you figured. He came sprinting. Be fore he could make the turn. He was a snowman ! You fell to the floor in giggles as your plan had worked. Peter was in shock. Tony: As soon as I get clean, you're done. He said teasingly, then went to grab a wrag to wipe his face . Peter:RUN Y/N RUUUN !!
You didn't dare hesitate before sprinting upstairs. You hid in your mom's blakent trunk in their bedroom. It was the last spot someone would think to look. At least that's what you thought. 10 minutes later , you were proud of yourself. Ten minutes had gone buy and sill nothing .
Just as you were about to open the top, you heard a door open. You quickly sat back down. Trying to calm your breaths . Tony: FE FI FO FUM I SMEEL A LITLLE ONE IN MY ... TRUNK ! He said, then popped the trunk open, making you scream. Tony: You thought you could prank me and get away free ? He said, then picking you up and tossing you on the bed.
Tony: gusse what ?! Y/n: What? You say nervously. Tony: surprise !! He says then blows three fat raspberries on your belly button, making you calkel.
Y/n: NONINOOOO IM SORAYYYYY!! Tony: You should have thought about that before giving me a heart attack and then pieing me in the face .He says, then starts sqezing your knees, making you snort. Y/n: NO NO NO PLESSSSSEKKKK IM SORY IM SORRYY EHEHEHE!! you beegied as you try to crawl away. Tony: ohoho, no! You get back here ! He said with a laugh. As he pulled you towards him and sat on top of you. Y/n: Daddy, please! You squealed already in a giggly mess. You knew begging was useless, but it was the only thing you could do.
Tony: I'll think about it. Naw, I haven't tickled you in a while. This will be fun. He said with the most sly grin on his face! Then dug his hands unto your armpits Makin belly laughter fill the room.
Y/n: YOURR SOOO MEHEEEAN!!! you wined still laughing your head off. Tony kinda makes you regret pranking me while I was working, doesn't it ? He said with a chuckle, then started sqezing and digging into your hips as hard as he could. You bucked like crazy as your screams were starting to get louder than your laughter.
Y/n: YESSSSSSSSS !!! OHHH, PLEASEEE STOPPPP !!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHA!!!!! tony: I'm starting to get a little hungry . He says as he starts to lift up your shirt. You sqeald as you knew exactly what was coming.
He gave you a checkey smile before nibbling all over your belly and sides. His beard made it ten times worse. This was the thing you hated. Even more than the tickel monster. And he knew it.
You screamed and bucked you sounded like a wild animal. Y/N: NO NOOOOOOO ANYTHING BUT THAAATAHAT ! MY LAWWWD ! you said as you started to buck even harder. Tony: Stop, but I've just gotten started ! He says, giving you a moment to breathe before tickiling your belly button. Your second death spot .
You let out a loud scream. You had no more energy to beg all you could do was lay there, and except the ruthless tickles, wicth seemed to go on forever.
Tony knew he had to stop soon. But he never gets to see you like this often, and he wasn't going to waste the moment.Tony: Awww, someone has as a ticklish belly button! He says in a babyish tone, making you blush. Y/n: nonhooho moreeee eekeee I can't take it ! You managed to say threw giggles.
Tony : ok, I'm sorry. How but a kiss to make up for it, then ? He said, pointing to his cheek. As he let you breathe for a moment. You let out a sigh of relief as you thought the tourcher was fainly over. As soon as you get close enough, he starts to blow big fat raspberries on your neck. You sqeal before bubbly gigels follow unctrolbully. He doses this for another five minutes, then lets you go.
He laughs at you as he wacthes you curl up in a ball of giggles as you recover. Y/n: ihim never doing that again! Tony: I'm glad you learned your lesson! He says teasingly, then ruffles your hair .
Peper : dinners ready Tony come help me set the table !!! She yells from the kitchen. Tony: coming, my dear ! Tony scoops you up and carries you like a damsel, making you giggiel. Y/n: I love you, Daddy . You said, resting your head on his chest . Tony: I love you 300,000. He says with a smile. Then, he carries you to the kitchen.